Kentish Express Ashford & District

Manufactur­ed outrage at Boris decoration­s


At a time when we are still attempting to recover from a pandemic we are being subjected to a tsunami of pious hypocrisy and synthetic anger over modificati­ons to a Downing Street flat.

An unholy alliance of the metropolit­an elite, and the Heathite wing of the Conservati­ve party loathe

Boris for having successful­ly implemente­d Brexit, and, knowing that they cannot defeat him at the ballot box, are trying to oust him by other means.

In this they are supported by the BBC and the left wing media, plus the pro-Remain Electoral Commission, and the higher ranks of the Civil Service, who still yearn for the days when they could join their fellow bureaucrat­s in Brussels in forwarding their own agendas without effective interferen­ce from elected representa­tives.

Not only has Boris succeeded in carrying out the policy for which the British people voted in 2016 but he has also presided over one of the most successful vaccinatio­n programmes in the world, while making great strides in fulfilling his pledge to offer hope to those parts of the country neglected for so long.

As one whose wife comes from Teesside I am only too aware of how the working class in the North East has been ignored by London for many years but now steps are being taken to correct this situation.

Only the obsessives of the Westminste­r bubble believe that the average person is in anyway concerned about the decoration of a flat, which Boris does not own, and will eventually pass to new occupants, hopefully not for many years.

Colin Bullen

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