Kentish Express Ashford & District

Addition to the architectu­ral litter bin in town

- Stuart Barton Our columnist with his own view of the world

I see that approval has been given for yet again another unnecessar­y blot on our landscape - a 16 storey block of flats. ‘Elegant’ is not a word that can by any stretch be applied to this bog-standard block which even the artist’s (or computer generated) image can’t make attractive. A number of councillor­s clearly don’t like the idea of such a lump being foisted on Ashford - but what the heck, Ashford has been turned into a kind of architectu­ral litter-bin anyway, so one more lump would hardly be noticed but for the fact that it’ll tower over everything else in the neighbourh­ood. The one advantage to its proposed rooftop restaurant is that diners won’t have to see it.

Can it be true? Did they really buy gold wallpaper at £800 a roll? Did he really say he’d rather see bodies pile high than declare another lockdown?

Whenever he’s been asked a difficult question, he changes the subject to tell us that what we all want to hear is what a fantastic job he’s been doing.

All of this sounds distinctly Trumpian to me. Remember Trump?

He’s the American ex-president who always changed every subject into what a fantastic job he was doing.

I’ve been watching on my laptop a great deal of American news lately (particular­ly

Rachel Maddow on NBC). Their newsreader­s do the job with far more enthusiasm than ours.

Admittedly, they seem unable ever refer to the people who live in America without giving the impression that the American People are a race apart and favoured by every god that has ever been invented.

I wonder to what extent BJ’s latest evasions and dubious statements are likely to affect our local elections. It is, after all, well known that local elections hold a mirror to the way we feel about the government of the time and that we tend to use them to indicate approval - or lack of it - for our masters’ conduct.

‘One more lump would hardly be noticed but for the fact that it’ll tower over everything else in the neighbourh­ood’

 ??  ??

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