Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Finding glory in a fearful time

Archbishop reflects on a world of uncertaint­y, poverty and persecutio­n ‘Our feelings tells us that our values are in the wrong place’


The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke of a world “awash with fear and division” during his Christmas Day sermon.

Speaking to a packed congregati­on in the Cathedral, the Most Rev Justin Welby said the end of 2016 found everyone in a less predictabl­e and uncertain place.

“Economic progress, technologi­cal progress, communicat­ion progress hasn’t resulted in economic justice. It hasn’t delivered glory for us,” he said.

He added: “Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney said three weeks ago, ‘despite immense progress many citizens in advanced economies are facing heightened uncertaint­y. Rather than a new golden era, globalisat­ion is associated with low wages, insecure employment, stateless corporatio­n and striking inequaliti­es.’

“Our feelings tells us that our values are in the wrong place. I learned last week of a family in one of our cities who lowered their child in a supermarke­t dustbin to scavenge for food before fishing him out. What will that family eat today?

“We cannot pray that we might be given our daily bread, while not caring that there are those today who will have no bread.

“In our own country, while many will go to sleep tonight too full, there are also many who will go to sleep hungry.”

He added: “It is among those on the edge, those ignored and among persecuted believers that I have most clearly seen the glory of God this year, a glory that chases away the fear of terror, the power of death, and the economies of injustice, and presents a path to a more just, more Christlike world.”

The Archbishop said that “life in all its rawness” would continue despite it being Christmas Day, 360,000 babies will be born and 151,000 people die.

“We all have a deep longing to be satisfied therefore intuitivel­y we go for security, for the opportunit­y to focus inwards for a moment, and keep the world at bay,” he said.

“But satisfacti­on is not met by another gift or some more fine food, and it’s not met by another gathering or technologi­cal experience. For security we need true life, glorious life, the life of God welling up and overflowin­g in glory.”

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