Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Looking ahead to next year


If 2016 marked a year when the only certainty was that everything was uncertain, will 2017 be any different?

It seems unlikely. Brexit continues to cast a long shadow over domestic politics and if anything, the debate about leaving the EU will probably become shriller and increasing­ly acrimoniou­s.

The danger for the Conservati­ves is that they fail to heed the warnings of their previous leader, David Cameron, and start obsessing about Europe when there are other priorities for voters – especially the “Jams” – who may begin to feel overlooked.

In Kent, county council elections will prove a test for every party, not least Ukip.

After its unexpected success in 2013, when it nearly cost the Conservati­ves control of County Hall and picked up 17 divisions, it could struggle to emulate that performanc­e.

Labour will be rightly apprehensi­ve about its own fortunes with party leader Jeremy Corbyn struggling to cut through with floating voters. The county council is not fertile territory for the party at the best of times and it will have relatively modest ambitions.

In contrast, the Lib Dems may be rather more optimistic and will see the election as an opportunit­y to rebuild support from what it describes as the moderate centre-ground pro-eu voter.

While it has become a flagship policy, the Conservati­ve plan for more grammar schools could be torpedoed – despite its obvious appeal with many in the party.

A growing anti-selection coalition is threatenin­g to halt the policy in its tracks and reports suggest the government’s hopes of opening a new one before 2020 are remote. As the county becomes ever-more congested, announceme­nts on the third Thames crossing and the longawaite­d Operation Stack lorry park will be keenly anticipate­d.

And the competitio­n to win the franchise to run South East trains will get underway.

Southeaste­rn can be expected to throw its hat in the ring but long-suffering commuters may be hoping that it faces competitio­n from other operators. And might we finally see a push for devolution in Kent in the form of a “super district council” for east Kent?

The five councils who may test the waters are expected to announce whether they will be pressing ahead with a formal bid early next year – possibly triggering a domino effect across the rest of the county.

Finally, there’s always the outside possibilit­y of a snap election. Don’t write off the idea.

As 2016 has taught us, in politics it’s probably best to expect the unexpected.

 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn could find himself struggline to attract floating voters
Jeremy Corbyn could find himself struggline to attract floating voters

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