Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Sexy as a bag of compost


Just when you thought that all protests in 2017, by law, had to be directed at Donald Trump, it appears a few people didn’t get the message.

Demonstrat­ors targeted the London premiere of Fifty Shades Darker last week, claiming the film glamorises domestic abuse.

Having only seen a trailer for the film, while waiting the traditiona­l half-hour or so for the ‘feature presentati­on’ to start at the cinema the other day, it would be difficult to comment.

But, if two minutes are long enough to judge – debatable, I know – the makers of Fifty Shades Darker are definitely guilty of glamorisin­g really bad films.

Apart from appearing cliched and over-stylised, it looked about as sexy as a bag of compost.

There again, film-makers have a perverse habit of choosing the most offputting clips to bung in their promotiona­l trailers, almost as if they want us to stay away.

In this case, it’s worked. And anyway, I haven’t seen Fifty Shades of Grey, so all the meaningful grunting and moodily-lit stilettos will mean nothing to me.

The protesters may well have a point, but the fact they held their demonstrat­ion at the premiere begs the question of how they managed to watch the unreleased film before going to Leicester Square armed with placards.

Perhaps they held a special preview screening for potential dissenters, because there’s nothing like an angry protest for a bit of pre-release publicity (see also: this column).

With Fifty Shades doing the rounds and all the po-faced Oscar-fodder clogging up the cinema, let’s hope there’s something good on telly. OK, Ninja Warrior UK it is, then.

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