Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Girls’ strop over ‘strappy’ tops

Grammar school pupils condemn ‘disturbing sexualisat­ion’ in uniform rules

- By Marijke Hall @Kentishgaz­ette

Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School has been accused of “sexualisin­g young girls’ bodies” after it banned strappy tops in its uniform policy.

Hundreds of angry pupils have signed an online petition set up by schoolgirl Maddi Lane demanding the new rule be scrapped.

In her petition, Miss Lane criticises the code, which states sixth form girls – who are permitted to wear their own clothes instead of a uniform – should dress in a business-like fashion and not wear strappy tops.

She says: “This rule encourages the disturbing sexualisat­ion of young girls’ bodies, most of which are underage.

“The argument that shoulders shouldn’t be seen in a workplace is irrelevant, as our generation is the future workforce.

“It is our job to change the oppressive and demeaning standards that women are forced to abide by, or nothing will change in the future.”

In a retort to the suggestion lax rules would mean “boobs and bum cheeks hanging out all over the place”, she added: “The only reason that ‘boobs and bum cheeks’ are deemed inappropri­ate for school is because of oppression women have received from the male gaze over the years.’

“I speak for myself and many others when I say we aren’t trying to ‘flaunt’ anything. Nudity shouldn’t be sexualised. I just want to feel comfortabl­e in a school environmen­t.”

School leaver Yasmin Shulver, 18, from Canterbury, has questioned why female students are restricted when male pupils – who are admitted for the sixth form – can wear what they want.

She added: ‘I think it’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s just a strappy top. You are not showing your stomach or your bum or your boobs.

‘It’s all right for men to wear whatever they want but women can’t.

“On days like this when it’s really hot we are made to wear T-shirts and boys can wear whatever they want.”

The sixth form section of the school’s website states that, as senior pupils, they are expected to dress appropriat­ely.

It reads: “This is a place of work and you should set a good example to younger students.

“Skirts and shorts should be of an appropriat­e length. No strappy/strapless tops or dresses, tracksuit bottoms, over the knee socks that look like stockings.”

It warns that those who do not adhere to the dress code may be sent home.

Dr Matthew Baxter, who recently took over as head teacher of the girls’ school, said the move was to bring it in line with Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys, of which he is also head.

He took over the New Dover Road girls’ school after the previous under-fire head teacher Jane Robinson resigned following the fall-out over a failed academy bid.

“All that we’re doing is trying to make sure the same rules apply for the boys’ and the girls’ schools,” said Dr Baxter.

He confirmed a working group had been set up, comprising staff and pupils, to discuss the matter, but was unaware if any meetings had been arranged.

So far, more than 220 pupils have signed the petition.

Once it has reached the 300 mark it will be passed to the school’s senior leadership team.

 ??  ?? Yasmin Shulver, 18, has criticised the new uniform policy at the Simon Langton Girls’ School
Yasmin Shulver, 18, has criticised the new uniform policy at the Simon Langton Girls’ School
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 ??  ?? Matthew Baxter wants the same rules for boys and girls
Matthew Baxter wants the same rules for boys and girls

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