Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Labour’s plan – for everyone’s eyes only


The Canterbury Labour Party has unwittingl­y revealed its secret campaign strategy – by publishing it on the internet.

With the words “For Labour Members’ eyes only” at the top, the bulletin advises activists to focus on positive messages about candidate Rosie Duffield rather than personal attacks on opponents.

Mike Bland, co-ordinator of the Rosie4mp Campaign, writes: “Campaign content will remain positive, constructi­ve, outreachin­g, presenting positive reasons why people should back Rosie4mp and Labour policies.

“While we will be critical of our opposition and the main target shall always be the hard-right party the Tory party has become, we will not use any negative personal attacks, abusive messaging nor any racist or any other kind of hate speech.”

Mr Bland also highlights the importance of reacting to opponents’ claims via “a quick response team” with experience of using social media. He goes on: “Again the same principle guidelines should apply: critical but positive, never personally negative or abusive.”

Finally, there is advice on ensuring that party members use #Rosie4mp hashtag as much as possible in their social media output.

Details of the embarrassi­ng leak emerged as Ms Duffield took to the city’s streets to speak with homeless people.

Labour candidate Rosie Duffield admits she is heartbroke­n by the sight of homeless people living on Canterbury’s streets. The 45-year-old mother of two has spent time with homeless charity Catching Lives to learn about its work and the problems it faces.

She said: “It is heartbreak­ing and unnecessar­y that in one of the richest countries in the world we still have this problem. Labour will fund more council housing and improve mental health services.”

 ??  ?? Labour candidate Rosie Duffield spoke to homeless people in Canterbury
Labour candidate Rosie Duffield spoke to homeless people in Canterbury

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