Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

‘Rude berk’ Tory ejected


A senior Conservati­ve ejected from the hustings after heckling Labour’s candidate has been branded a “rude berk”.

Rosie Duffield was only seconds into her opening statement when Cllr Neil Baker accused her of “just reading words” from a card. And as she discussed Labour’s spending commitment­s, Cllr Baker yelled: “How are you going to fund it?”

His outbursts were met with cries of “let her speak” from the packed Old Sessions House auditorium. Moments later Cllr Baker, the Conservati­ves’ local vice-chairman, was asked to leave.

His ejection came just minutes into the showpiece preelectio­n debate.

Tweeting from the meeting, Labour Party activist Dave Wilson said: “Rude heckling berk Neil Baker evicted from #Cccuhustin­gs17. #idiot.” Ms Duffield said afterwards: “I feel sorry for Cllr Baker. He has embarrasse­d himself and people are probably going to give him a bit of gyp about it.” Cllr Baker represents the Tankerton ward at Canterbury City Council and is a prominent figure in the Conservati­ve administra­tion. When asked about his ejection, Cllr Baker said: “Yes, I may have misjudged the mood of the meeting and decided to get a heckle in before anyone else started. I should know better.” Defending MP Sir Julian Brazier was also repeatedly heckled by sections of the audience as he spoke.

 ??  ?? Evicted: Cllr Neil Baker
Evicted: Cllr Neil Baker

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