Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Go dry for Macmillan

- @Reporterel­liskm

Macmillan is calling on people to sign up for its Go Sober for October fundraisin­g drive by giving up alcohol for the month.

Participan­ts are asked to stop drinking for the entire month.

The event raised £1.4 million in 2016, with many participan­ts saying that ‘soberlisin­g’ – socialisin­g without alcohol – left them feeling motivated and encouraged.

The impact of an alcoholfre­e month, according to Macmillan, is more free time to spend with family and opportunit­ies to develop stronger bonds with friends.

All money raised will go to Macmillan Cancer Support, to help the growing number of people living with cancer.

For more informatio­n, visit and follow the conversati­on on Twitter with #Gosober. Some 65% of smokers from Kent who attended drop-in clinics managed to quit smoking, according to a report.

University College, London, also found 58% of people in Medway were able to stop once they had contacted telephone support services.

Smokers across the area are being urged to join the ranks of ex-smokers by taking part in Stoptober – the month long campaign that starts on October 1.

Smoking rates across Kent and Medway have fallen by more than 5% since 2012.

In Kent just 15.2% of the adult population now smokes. In Medway the number is 19%.

Jason Mahoney, tobacco lead for Public Health England South East, said: “Stoptober is a perfect time for smokers to try and give up smoking – however many times they may have tried in the past.

“The annual campaign provides the perfect opportunit­y for family, friends and colleagues to work together towards quitting smoking for good.

“Now more than ever, there are a host of quit-smoking aids and free support services available.

“I would encourage anyone thinking of quitting to make a plan and take part in Stoptober.

“Evidence shows you are more likely to quit with support from a local stop-smoking service than if you try to go it alone.

“Quitting really is the best thing a smoker can do for their health, and by committing to

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The Go Sober logo

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