Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Don’t trust us with another Brexit vote

- Ian Macmillan Sandwich Road, Ash

I have just got home from attending Dr Brunelski’s cancer clinic at our local hospital. The first profession­al I saw when originally diagnosed was Matt, an Australian, and the biopsy was carried out by a gentleman of African descent.

Given that the Leave vote was largely fuelled by xenophobia it is a tragedy that we are on the cusp of leaving the EU. Of course, I’m not suggesting that all Leavers were motivated by xenophobia but just that all those who have been marginalis­ed and persuaded by the gutter press that the EU is at the root of all their woes have voted Leave.

Then there is the ‘Britain once ruled the waves’ faction typified by Jacob Rees Mogg, aptly known as the Minister for the 18th Century, and I guess that our former MP may share this sentiment. Neither Jacob nor Julian will be short of a bob or two whether we stay or leave.

What should happen is there should be a vote in Parliament. Stay in the EU or leave. No second referendum please. What does the average person know (and I include myself) about the complicate­d issues? We elect MPS to make these decisions for us.

Far from being an insult to democracy it is exactly the opposite. Government by referenda is nothing more than mob rule or anarchy.

I know, let’s ignore what the eminent gentlemen in my first paragraph thinks about the way to treat my cancer and instead have a referendum. Let the people decide. I am, of course, joking.

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