Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

No life if equality is path you choose


A great deal of noise is being made during this election campaign about which of the main parties will give and/ or take the most from the electorate.

It is obvious that we are coming to a fork in the road and that the route we choose will decide our direction of travel for a generation.

The choice facing us is starkly simple: do we want a society where we espouse freedom of the individual or do we want equality for all?

You cannot have both. Achieving equality requires the restrictio­n of freedom and freedom will result in inequality.

You have but one life; choosing freedom will allow you to decide how to lead it, in the way that gives you the greatest enjoyment and satisfacti­on. Choose equality and that inevitably means that you will hand over control of your time on earth to the state, to those who believe they know better than you how you should live it. You will have an existence but not, I suggest, a life.

Take care what you decide.

John Atkins

a restored Crab and Winkle line could reach their jobs, hospital appointmen­ts and schools in Canterbury?

The tunnel taking the line under the University of Kent was filled with tons of concrete many years ago to prevent further collapse of the buildings sited above it.

Jane Millyard evening appointmen­t, again no problem.

I don’t know where Rosie Duffield does her research.

Could it be that, like Jeremy Corbyn, she’s using the NHS as a political football? Well shame on her for doing so.

Bob Britnell

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