Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Is full closure of A2 necessary?


Regarding your article about A2 closures [‘Drivers face 40-mile diversion as weekend closures hit A2’, Gazette, August 19], why is this the only road in the country where it is impossible to place a two-way system on the open carriagewa­y? This is common all over the country.

When the bypass was built, until fully open it was managed as a two-way road system on one carriagewa­y.

‘We have a climate emergency, and a social and affordable housing shortage, yet the council wants to tarmac over a green space whilst giving up this land to developers who will build overpriced houses’

It seems Highways England has little care about local businesses and health and safety, as these blockages mean it becomes increasing­ly impossible for emergency services to serve the villages adjoining the A2, not to mention the fact that a weekend night out in Faversham or Canterbury is then made impossible.

This is all too frequent and shows incompeten­ce on behalf of the highways agency to find a contractor capable of building this road. We do not see the M20 breaking up and even they can implement the carriagewa­y closure with two way working on the remaining carriagewa­y.

As this is at least the fourth time this road has been worked on recently, causing misery to all the adjoining villages, it would seem fair the highways agency compensate every home in the total area with £5,000 for the disruption.

It France and Germany they could virtually strip and rebuild the complete road in this time.

It is time this madness stopped. If they cannot implement a contraflow way to work then they should not be allowed to start this work at this time.

Kevin Hogben


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