Kentish Gazette Canterbury & District

Right-wing label bandied about


You reported Paul Pollard, head of Simon Langton Girls, as saying in respect of the antivaxxer­s demonstrat­ing outside his school, that they were

“engaged in conspiracy theories, disinforma­tion and various other propaganda much more in common with familiar right wing tropes” [‘Head’s anger as antivaxxer­s ‘spreading fear’ outside school’, Gazette, September 16].

I am bemused. I’ve always thought of myself as politicall­y of the right, a Thatcherit­e Tory, but I’m unaware of any “right-wing” tropes! I believe in individual rights and responsibi­lities, freedom of the press and free expression, a generally marketbase­d, free market economy and a small state which interferes less with individual­s. Now maybe those are “right-wing” tropes, but if so the anti-vaxxers do not fit into them.

Anti-vaxx protesting has much in common with the leftwing anarchists of Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain who feel that they live on a higher moral plane than the rest of us and therfore have a duty to impose their views on the rest of us - by force if necessary; this is straight out of the Marxist/ Communist playbook whereby anybody who disagrees is an enemy of the people and should be cancelled.

“Right-wing” is a left-wing expression used to smear anybody they disagree with. Having labelled Nazism as “rightwing” and got away with it, those of the left now label their opponents as “right-wing” to smear by associatio­n and sadly they have succeeded to the point

where even an educated and erudite headmaster can casually use the term “right wing tropes”; it would be useful if we could be told what they are. As I say, I know of none.

Bob Britnell

Orchard Close, Canterbury

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