Lanark & Carluke Advertiser


(Serves 4-6)



8tbsp olive oil; 1 large red onion, finely chopped; 1tsp roughly chopped thyme leaves; 1 large yellow pepper, deseeded and chopped into 1cm cubes; 1 large courgette, chopped into 1cm cubes; 500g Arborio or Carnaroli rice; 150ml dry white wine; 1.5L hot vegetable stock, made with stock cubes; 200g frozen peas, defrosted; 60g salted butter; 60g finely grated Parmesan cheese; fine sea salt and freshly-ground black pepper

1. Pour the oil into a large heavy-based saucepan, place over a medium heat and fry the onion, thyme, pepper and courgette for 10 minutes until soft, stirring with a spoon. 2. Add the rice and fry for three minutes, stirring to allow the hot oil and vegetables to coat the grains. Stir in the wine and cook for a further minute, allowing the alcohol to evaporate.

3. Pour in a couple of ladles of hot stock and bring to a simmer.

4. Reduce the heat and continue to cook and stir until all the stock is absorbed. At this point, please stay with the saucepan, because you need to keep stirring the risotto. 5. Stir in the peas. Pour in the rest of the stock, a little at a time, cooking until each addition is absorbed before you add the next. It will take 18-20 minutes and you may not need to add all the stock. 6. Once the rice is cooked, take the pan off the heat and add the butter, Parmesan, two teaspoons of salt and half a teaspoon of pepper.

7. Stir all together for 20 seconds, allowing the risotto to become creamy and all the ingredient­s to combine properly. Serve on warmed plates and enjoy.

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