Land Rover Monthly



1 Carles Portavella went on a ski holiday in Courchevel and took his Defender 90 along just to make sure that they did not struggle in the snow.

2 Martin Rydell drove the family Defender 110 from Stuttgart to Palma de Mallorca. Here it is pictured in front of a dodgy French bed and breakfast.

3 Euan Ferguson’s Defender 90 needed a wash and some TLC after its first laning session since the makeover.

4 Andy Richards fitted Range Rover axles and disc brakes to his Series III before taking it on a jolly to Wharram Percy, just north of York.

5 Andreas Ari Aviata parks his Defender 110 on a beach in South Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

6 Snow won’t stop Robbie Coburn and his bike from hitting the Benevenagh Mountains in Ireland.

7 Alexander Shepherd has always wanted to own a Land Rover, so he purchased this project Series III. Watch this space…

8 David Wycherley driving his 1992 Defender 90 over Millers Dale in the Peak District while being closely followed by Richard Green in his 1982 Series III.

9 Pete Walton enjoying a play date with his Defender in the snow.

10 Daniel, Jake and Josie Charleswor­th enjoying their visit to see Granddad near Denby Dale. We think they look a little cold.

11 When Rog and Caz Pardy (both of the Dorset Land Rover Club) got married, who can guess what they used as a wedding car?

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