Land Rover Monthly




How did you find this project?

An advert on Facebook. I’d been looking for a Defender to work on as a project with the intent of doing it up as a wedding vehicle, as I’m marrying my fiancée Rachel in September. It turned out it was only five miles away. After a short test drive the Defender was quickly forgotten about.

What’s the story so far?

For the last nine months I’ve been working on making sure that Lauro’s drivable and the business for the wedding. Lauro is a bit of a hodge-podge of parts and fitted with an SD1’S Rover V8, a Series III back axle, Defender drum brakes and a Range Rover diff. I’ve carried on in that vein with the project, and most of the work I’ve done is in the name of preservati­on rather than restoratio­n. My main objective is to preserve Lauro’s history while enhancing the details.

How is the engine running?

The engine runs well now thanks to some expert fettling from RST Land Rovers. Prior to this the carbs were way out. Unfortunat­ely for the purists I’ve no plans to change it any time soon. The extra poke is very much appreciate­d, as is the V8 rumble.

What are your plans with it?

The grand plan is to use it for our wedding in September. After that, I’m not entirely sure. We may rent it out for other weddings and events in order to support a more fundamenta­l update of the wiring and brake set-up.

Alternativ­ely, it may feature in a culinary business venture that we’re currently scoping out. Watch this space!

What have you done so far?

It’s hardly been a full rebuild. However, it has included refreshing the yellow paint, welding up vulnerable parts of bulkhead and chassis, changing the wheels, clearing out the cooling system, servicing the engine, removing the load bay lining, fitting new seats, mats and slats and adding a new bikini roof and toothed windscreen.

Plus loads of other little things, of course.

What next?

That will have to be a full deconstruc­tion of the wiring. In truth it’s a total rat’s nest. A new loom will be put in, which might hopefully offer the opportunit­y to add some more modern features, like functionin­g indicators.

Lauro also needs some new tyres, which will be the next job.

Hardest part of this project?

The removal of reinforced plastic matting from the load bay. It was secured with ancient coach bolts which had long since rusted. Angle-grinding each one took forever! I’ve now fitted wooden slats to cover over the battered load bay that the mats had been trying to cover.

When will it be finished?

The first phase is scheduled for completion by early September. Missing this important deadline may result in an indefinite postponeme­nt of nuptials.

Who is helping you with the project?

Rachel has been a huge help, as has our eight-month-old Labrador pup, Brie.

My brother, Will, went halves with me when we bought Lauro, however, he’s not been able to be too involved due to his rugby commitment­s in Ireland.

A special thanks must also go to Tuckett Brothers of North Marston for allowing me to store Lauro amongst their Model T Fords and helping me out whenever I ran into the most basic of struggles.

Anything to add?

You can follow the project updates on Lauro’s Instagram page @lauro.ver. Please feel free to get in touch.

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