Land Rover Monthly


Ten important things to think about when greenlanin­g


NOTHING beats a great day of driving greenlanes in the British countrysid­e in your Land Rover. The banter between mates, the lunch stop, the cake stop and just being out in nature enjoying everything that it has to offer. Lauren Eaton, the GLASS Executive Media and Communicat­ions Officer and GLASS North Wales Lead Rep gives us her top ten greenlanin­g tips.

1 Check before you go – is it legal? The local council can help with this. Are there any current restrictio­ns/obstructio­ns? The Trailwise2 mapping system (free to GLASS members) can help with more detailed route informatio­n.

2 Never go alone: Adventures are always more enjoyable (and safer) with friends. Lanes may be public roads, but once off the tarmac, you’re on your own. The RAC won’t be coming to get you if anything goes wrong.

3 Stick to the path: Deviating from the legal route could see you prosecuted. If the legal route isn’t obvious check with land owners, or the local GLASS rep.

4 Less is more: Keep groups to small numbers, preferably four or five vehicles. Any more than that and it becomes difficult to manage trips, pass oncoming groups or find a place to park for lunch.

5 As slow as possible, as fast as necessary: Travel at a slow unobtrusiv­e pace, be aware you may meet other users, wildlife, livestock, and technical terrain on the lanes.

6 If in doubt, then don’t do it: This goes for everything from the legality of a lane to whether or not you think your vehicle or driving skills can navigate a particular lane or section. No-one wants to get stuck or violate the law.

7 Close the gates: The rule of thumb according to the Countrysid­e Code is to leave gates as you found them. Unless tied or secured open, keep them closed – the farmer will thank you.

8 Report anything out of the ordinary: Obstructio­ns, locked gates, terrain damage, littering, and irate locals. These can be reported to the local GLASS rep or else pop a comment on TW2. A third and important reporting tool is the county council’s website.

9 Leave nothing behind and take nothing away but memories: Take your litter home, cause no damage, do not take anything from the lanes, even fallen branches legally belong to someone.

10 Don’t forget to smile and wave. Always be courteous to other users however they choose to travel our rights of way, we’re all there for the same reason – to enjoy ourselves.

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