Landscape (UK)



Species tulips are positioned in well-drained, sunny, open sites, with the exception of Tulipa sprengeri, which tolerates some moisture and shade They are planted in a mix of one-third horticultu­ral grit to two-thirds loam-based John Innes No 3 If gardening on heavy, wet soils, bulbs planted in aquatic baskets are lifted in early summer to store in a dry place On clay soils, the tulips can be grown in raised beds filled with specially formulated soil and grit The bulbs are planted deep, at least three times the height of the bulb Planting partners are chosen that will not overshadow or swamp the tulips Bulbs are watered with a low-nitrogen fertiliser, such as tomato feed, from the first leaf shoot showing, usually in late January, February or March depending on species Unless collecting the seed, seedheads are not removed, as leaving them diverts more energy into the bulbs In case of losses, a few treasured species tulips can be stored in pots, as a wet summer can kill them in waterlogge­d beds

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