Landscape (UK)



Sprouted seeds are high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins, and are easy to prepare at home. Edibles such as radish seeds, mung beans and dried peas are used. Seeds for the garden should be avoided, as they may be chemically treated. After being thoroughly washed in cold water, the seeds are placed in a large glass jar, filling no more than a third. The jar is then filled to the top with lukewarm water and the seeds left to soak overnight. The following day, they are thoroughly drained and rinsed, and the jar moved to a dark place. The process should be repeated two to four times per day for up to three days. When the young sprouts appear, they are drained and rinsed again, stored in the fridge and consumed within two days. Any discoloure­d sprouts are rejected, and they should be cooked until they are steaming hot to eliminate any bacteria.

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