Landscape (UK)



Hardy geraniums can be divided to make a large plant into several smaller plants. This can be done in early spring or later in the year, in autumn, when the flowers have faded. Plants should be selected that have been in the garden for at least two full growing seasons.

Choosing a day when the soil is not waterlogge­d or sticky underfoot, a trowel or spade is used to lift the whole plant from the soil. It is recommende­d to dig down deep to ensure the roots are not broken .

The plant is placed on a flat area in the border and split into individual pieces. Large clumps are best divided by inserting two garden forks back to back into the centre of the clump and pulling them away from each other to separate the plant. Smaller clumps can be pulled apart by hand or by using two hand forks back to back.

Each new clump should have evidence of new growth and be replanted slightly prouder of the soil surface than it was before. This will allow for the plant to sink after the soil has settled. Each new division should be watered well during the first spring and summer, with sufficient water added to the ground for puddles to form during each dry spell.

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