Leek Post & Times

Runners make the most of warm autumn weather


IT was a great morning to host the latest Brough Park Couch to 5K, a crisp frost covering the grassed area and the early morning sun warming the backs of the runners as they toed the line.

This scenario seemed to buoy many of the entrants, especially those in the 5K, where more than a dozen impressed with PBS.

Two of those stood out a little more than the rest. First 14-yearold Louise Hackett reduced her long-standing best by almost 100 seconds to 20.08, as she was schooled around the route by Gareth Briggs.

The second, v60, Alison Dodd knocked a whopping 150 off her two-week-old inaugural event time in 34.10, while son, Richard was also able to reduce his time by half that amount to 32.23. The former was followed almost a minute later by a first full-distance run from Grace Lancaster (9) with brother, Alfred (12) returning a slightly slower 30.34.

Another 14-year-old, Ethan Ollier also impressed as he reduced his long-standing best by just seven seconds to 23.08 - it’s not too long ago he was struggling and off form, way down in the 28 minute zone.

John Hurst reduced his last week’s time by two-score and his best by three seconds to 20.36, followed 30 later by Kevin Mottram, while Martin Pigott was a minute from his best in 21.54. Dan Knowles reduced his PB by 10 seconds as he followed a score later, with Jakob Kocko the same amount behind to chip more than a dozen from his inaugural time.

Both Richard Dodd and Karl Birch continue their fine form; the former reducing his last event’s best by almost a minute to 25.37, the latter chipping away week-by-week and is only a minute from his long-standing best as he finished a handful ahead.

Suzie Noble, Michael Debelen and Thomas Turner were pulled along by those ahead, the former equalling her four-month-old record in 26.08, with the latter pair recording an equal time of 26.22, which reduced Michael’s PB by 46 and left Thomas just six away from his, as was v50, Claire Williamson who followed two minutes later and paced to the line by v70, Bill Mould.

Tom Warrilow (14) chipped 10 from his last week’s record as he finished 50 ahead of Dave Whelton’s PB of 29.44; with Elizabeth Charles reducing her four-week-old best by 85 seconds and 10 adrift.

V50, Sarah Garde dropped two seconds under her milestone and previous record of 32 minutes to finish a little more than a minute ahead of v50, Dawn Brown, who was just three seconds from her best; while v40, Clare Lawley returned an inaugural time some two minutes earlier.

There were a handful of improved times in the 3.6K; Kate Bills reduced her five-week-old record by over a minute to 20.37, followed 100 seconds later by Rian (8) and Nick Webster who upped their distance for the first time.

Lucy Kanan paced alongside of Sue Lancaster to cross the line in 26.40 to improve their times; the former by over 50 and the latter by almost 100 in her second event; while husband, Stephen clocked 27.10 in his first 5k.

In addition v50 Sheila Alcock almost matched her last event time in 26.27, followed half-adozen seconds later by the v40, Dan Bartram, who reduced her first attempt at this distance by almost 80 seconds; v45, Wendy Waddell was half-a-minute adrift, but reduced her best by the same.

The shortest distance of 800m also saw more than a handful gaining PB’S; Libby Soutart (9) chipped eight seconds off her long-standing best in 5.42, with Sophie Hinton (4) alongside of father, Dave only a dozen behind to knock a score off theirs; while Adam Carter escorted Rosie (4) to the line in 6.25 which reduced their three-month-old best by two-dozen seconds.

Seven-year-old Pippa Waddell covered the distance in almost the exact same time as the previous week to finish a score ahead of a joint 7.03 for Dexter Cook (3) and father, Dan who where the same from their best.

Mara Cope and daughter, Ellie (4) followed up their midweek training stint with a reduction of 50 seconds in a time of 8.40.

Unfortunat­ely there were a number of set-backs in the 1.5K; Imogen Philip (11) and run partner, Ella Tideswell (12) crossed the line together in 8.37, with the youngest almost 50 from her best and the elder just five; Archie Woolley (4) covered the route alongside of mother Kelly in a slightly faster pace than the previous week, but still a good way from their fastest.

Gina Grimes and son Oliver (4) were way off mark in 14.10 as twin sister Jessica was escorted by cousin Evie Lockett (9) to a 19.10 finish in the 2.2K. Keira Carney (11) and father, Jamie covered the distance a minute behind the first pair in a slightly slower time than their previous event.

Edward Dodd (9) covered the 2.2K route just over a dozen from his best in 11.07; whereas brother William (6) crossed the line two-dozen behind the 13.53 of Joshua Eames.

Laurie (7) and Rebecca Hinton were unable to match their best as they finished 10 seconds behind the 11.27 of Lucas Rowley (9), but double that ahead of Noah Phillips (7), who covered the distance in a quicker time than his last, and four seconds ahead of Scarlett Bestwick (8).

Alex Poulton (15) crossed the line alongside of Joseph Lockett (11) in 12.39; with Megan Lawley (11) and sister, Olivia (10) around a dozen in arrears, but over three minutes ahead of their eight-year-old sister, Ruby who crossed the line slightly ahead of Martha Williamson (8) and newbie, Millie Brown (8).

Max (4) and mother, Kyla Tideswell recorded a slightly slower 14.20 which was over a minute ahead of Toby (10) and father Lee Poulton; the youngster covering the course at a faster pace than his last.

Belle Clowes (8) has soon got to grips with the course as she shot ahead of her first event guide to record a PB of over three minutes, and five ahead of sister, Eve (6) and mother, Lucy’s 20.07 time with Marlie Bartram (6) a dozen behind.

V50, Audrey Warrilow recorded a PB of over two minutes in 16.55 and three minutes ahead of an inaugural event for v65, Elizabeth Parker.

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