Leek Post & Times

Police officer sacked after drink driving


A SERVING Staffordsh­ire Police officer has been sacked for ‘gross misconduct’ after being caught drink-driving.

PC Zoe Cullen’s career is over following a disciplina­ry hearing over her criminal conviction.

Magistrate­s heard the 45-year-old, off-duty at the time, was pulled over in Leek on January 6.

Cullen, a member of Hanley policing team, gave a reading of 59 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath – against the legal limit of 35.

At a Special Case Hearing last week, in front of Chief Constable Gareth Morgan, there was a finding of gross misconduct and she was dismissed with immediate effect.

The Chief Constable has now condemned his colleague’s actions.

He said: “Officers and staff are held to a high standard which the public rightfully expect. It is clear this officer has fallen below the standard expected and the circumstan­ces warranted her dismissal with immediate effect.”

Cullen had originally denied a charge of driving above the prescribed alcohol limit when she appeared at Derby Magistrate­s Court back on May 14.

But she dramatical­ly changed her plea when she was put back in the dock on August 9.

The defendant was banned from the roads for 12 months and ordered to pay £1,100 in fines and costs.

Cullen was suspended from duty while proceeding­s took place.

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