Leek Post & Times

‘CCG officer’s words are too ambiguous’


SO, WE’RE all scaremonge­ring are we? So the hospital beds that have been ‘temporaril­y’ closed for 12 months are being reopened are they?

So next time my friend’s husband needs an ENT appointmen­t it will be at The Moorlands Hospital will it? So there’s no need for people to go to Cobridge for blood tests is there?

So people haven’t been looked after at NHS expense in a nursing home that was declared among other things as unsafe, and another facility that had to be shut down because of the presence of Legionella?

How dare the accountabi­lity officer for the North Staffordsh­ire Clinical Commission­ing Group call us ‘scaremonge­ring’?

We still live in a democratic country and are entitled to respond to and fight against proposals that we believe could be detrimenta­l to our community.

I have, at the request of the CCG, attended many of their so-called stakeholde­r meetings and entered into their sessions where we were asked about our vision for the future of healthcare in the Moorlands.

At every meeting I insisted that we need the Moorlands Hospital to remain as it was a couple of years ago before the CCG started its slow dumbing down of the services we have all benefited from for many years.

When he talks in last week’s paper about the CCG having no plans to withdraw health services from the Leek area we suspect that this might not be entirely the case.

His words are so ambiguous that they could mean anything – What for example will happen to Leek Moorlands Hospital beds?

Mr Warnes talks of being disappoint­ed in his letter to the Post & Times last week! Well let me tell Mr Warnes that I am also disappoint­ed! Disappoint­ed at the lack of transparen­cy shown by the CCG.

Disappoint­ed that this process has taken so long. Disappoint­ed that patients have been put at risk through the actions of the CCG. Disappoint­ed at the money wasted by the CCG in allowing millions to be spent on building a new sixty four bedded modular unit at the Royal Stoke University Hospital when the beds are already available in the Community Hospitals

I am also by the way disappoint­ed that someone in Mr Warnes position should be so condescend­ing in his attitude to local people who are trying to stop the dismantlin­g of our health services.

Pam Wood Leek

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