Leek Post & Times



QI have a hydrangea plant that I brought up as a cutting from Bristol to the Highlands in Scotland over 13 years ago!

It grows really well, all nice and green and healthy, but it will just not flower.

I’m quite sentimenta­l about this plant and don’t want it to die and would love it to produce flowers.

What am I doing wrong?

Julie Smith

ACommon causes of hydrangeas not flowering are incorrect pruning or buds drying out in summer.

Very cold weather in spring can also damage the buds so I’m wondering if this could be the case with you as Nethy Bridge is so far north.

If this is so, you might try wrapping up your plant for winter with some horticultu­ral fleece and see if this makes a difference to it. Good luck!

 ??  ?? Flowering hydrangeas
Flowering hydrangeas

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