Leek Post & Times



THE Women’s Institute have been very busy in November and December, beginning with the Calendar Girls show on November 14 – we really enjoyed the show, it was very different from the film tastefully done, and we thank Dot Wilson for organising the trip.

Our 48th birthday party was held on November 17 at Westwood Golf Club, once again, we were delighted with the way the room looked when we entered and the food, and we thank them for their organisati­on from booking until the night.

The competitio­n this year to honour the end of the First World War was to wear poppies in any way we wished and Christine Tomlinson had a wonderful display in her hand and on her hat, and was really the true winner for the ladies. For the gentlemen, it was a tie between Graham Smith and Norman Ainsworth.

The MC for the evening was Joan

Clark, grace was said by Sylvia Ball, and Norman gave a toast to the Queen, Diane Richardson gave a toast to the WI and wished it well for the future. June Walker, our new president, gave a lively speech, thanked everyone for supporting her and the WI.

We then began our dancing to Melvyn, he soon had old and young on their feet. A good night was had by all.

We met again at the Village Hall Christmas tree celebratio­ns, they were all very good, the WI was made up of past and present members, June Walker had made a wonderful job, of making everyone look a star for the white Christmas tree.

On December 3 there was a group carol service at Butterton, the true beginning of Christmas for most of us.

The weather was kind, and a good number joined in the carols as Gwenneth Turnock played the organ, and Rev Michael Evans, gave a message of Christmas around the world.

The pleasant evening was well attended and ended with mince pies and a warm drink.

Our WI Christmas party on December

13, with dinner supplied by AJ Bridge End Coffee Shop, was enjoyed greatly by 32 members old and new, who all agreed the meal was superb, and Christine Torr gave the vote of thanks.

Our waiters for the evening were Patrick Ryan, Derek Torr and Graham Smith, they looked wonderful in their DJS.

We once again had the 12 days of Christmas with Sylvia Ball giving us guidance on the actions, great fun.

Our readers were June Walker, Joyce Alcock, and Joan Clark, and Eileen Jones had wrote a poem about our WI and its members.

We exchanged our £2 prettily wrapped parcels, won by Karen Bradley and sang carols to Gwenneth playing the organ.

June our president then wished everyone a merry christmas and invited us all to hear Cath Walton on Unsung Heroes Of Leek on January 10.

We sang We Wish You a Merry Christmas and went home after another good night in the village hall.


CHRISTMAS began early at Woodcroft WI as the December meeting took the form of a party.

We began by turning our napkins into Christmas trees, poinsettia and Santas.

Then we had a festive quiz and crossword. Many thanks to Sheila and Sylvia for organising them. Everyone had contribute­d to a delicious buffet and the evening finished with a rendition of the WI 12 days of Christmas with visual aids provided by Marg and Bev.

Later in the week we had a lovely meal at the Leek Bar and Grill.

No film or walking groups this month but the book club continued and although the book discussion was a little sparse, it was lovely to hear some of our younger members saying how much they were enjoying belonging to the WI and all that involved.

So if you’re looking for new interests and friendship­s in 2019 why not give us a try?

We meet at St. Luke’s church room at 7.30pm on the second Monday of the month.


THE opening meeting of 2019 saw the first of our “major” competitio­ns - Landscape PDI (Projected Digital Image).

Judge Peter Cheetham had a difficult task sifting through 73 images from 22 members.

Subjects were varied, and included the local area, Norfolk, the Lake District, Wales and Scotland overseas destinatio­ns and even the Milky Way.

At the interval Peter had held back 19 images for further considerat­ion and once refreshed by a cup of tea, whittled this down to 14 images before making his awards. He broke with tradition by awarding the first place first – which went to Tony Kinder for “A Cold and Frosty Morning”.

In second place was David Travis with “Llandwyn Island Sunset” and in third place Tony Cartwright with a monochrome image entitled “Dunescape”.

Very Highly Commended Awards were shared between Bernard Beech and

John Coe – who also received a Highly Commended Award, Alan Jones achieved two Highly Commended Awards and Ray Baddeley a Highly Commended and a Commended.

The final Commended Awards went to David and Doreen Graham, Len Claydon and Tony Cartwright.

The results from this competitio­n have given us a new “leader” - Tony Cartwright now taking the top slot on the League Table but only by two points.

Len Claydon is currently second, and close behind him are Kevin Burton and Tony Kinder tying in third place.

 ??  ?? The winning image - A Cold and Frosty Morning by Tony Kinder
The winning image - A Cold and Frosty Morning by Tony Kinder

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