Leek Post & Times

The ‘myth’ of privatisat­ion


ON Wednesday, January 16, our newly privatised ‘binmen’ collected two bins, garden waste and recycling matter plus newspapers and other paper waste (this I always place in a sturdy bag for life, a bag intended to be used multiple times, and of course one that I purchased).

Once again and now on the third occasion, the bag had been slung into the bin lorry and not returned to me for future paper recycling use!

When the bin collection was council run, the council workers would always without fail, tuck the empty bag back into the grey recycling bin for me to use next time.

So my bag intended for multiple use will probably end up being incinerate­d, or in landfill – doesn’t say much for the level of training given to these private operators in the name of recycling/reducing global warming by reducing unnecessar­y waste!

Rather I feel that to help perpetuate the myth of privatisat­ion (where simple speed and cost saving become the dominant headline factors), the fact is that customer care and satisfacti­on, and yes environmen­tal concerns – should also be part of the efficiency equation – in my elderly eyes.

Sadly, I will not risk another long life bag with these operators again.

I could try tying up with string – but that runs the risk of them spraying papers all over the road as the string breaks in mid flight in their haste to throw it into the bin lorry.

I will not use a 5p bag from the supermarke­t as this defeats the recycling ethos.

I will probably be forced to take a trip to the Leek Recycling Centre – of course I will try to combine this with other errands to at least minimise extra air pollution. Councillor Jean M Hodgetts Werrington

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