Leek Post & Times

‘MPS are playing a dangerous game’

- Bert Proctor Name and address supplied

SO, JEREMY Corbyn has at last admitted that he wants Britain’s borders to remain open. This is another way of saying he wants to stay tied to the EU.

Quite an amazing turnaround for someone who has allegedly been anti-eu for decades.

The truth of the matter is that he and many other politician­s are looking to ignore the will of the majority of British people who voted to leave.

It is a very dangerous game they are playing because they are flying in the face of democracy.

In future, any vote that is seen as close, such as an MP being elected by 30 votes majority in Newcastleu­nder-lyme, could lead to the clamour for another vote just to make sure that the residents could have another think.

It is not just the vote leave people who object to this disregard for democracy.

I have spoken to people who voted to remain who are very angry at the disgracefu­l behaviour of politician­s of all parties who are looking to usurp the will of the people.

None more so than the awful Speaker of the House John Bercow, who has completely destroyed the credibilit­y of his office.

The position of Speaker has forever been tarnished by this man.

If there is to be a general election, MPS need to understand that in many areas voters will reflect their anger at MPS who have openly flouted the will of the electorate, and none more so than in North Staffordsh­ire.

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