Leek Post & Times

Bid for units on industrial estate

- By Leslie Jackson leslie.jackson@reachplc.com

PLANS have been submitted to construct seven industrial units which form part of a proposed major developmen­t on the edge of Leek.

In 2014 Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council approved outline planning applicatio­n for the former Hughes Concrete site located at Barnfields Industrial Estate in Sunnyhills Road.

The applicatio­n also involved land for a proposed link road between Sunnyhills Road and Cheadle Road.

The outline plan involved demolition of former industrial buildings and redevelopm­ent of the site which included residentia­l use of up to 175 dwellings. The scheme would also see provision of associated open space, play area and cycle links; live/work units (up to 2000 square metres); employment units; tourism and leisure uses including a marina/ basin and associated boating facilities (up to 20 berths); reserve land for future railway station with associated heritage/railway activities building including tourist/local needs; retail unit; public house/ restaurant including associated car parking and servicing and reserve land for future link road including associated landscapin­g.

Now a reserved matters applicatio­n has been submitted to the district council, by James Howson of the Casey Group for the demolition of existing on-site buildings and approval of layout and landscapin­g for light industrial/general developmen­t pursuant to the outline planning applicatio­n.

A design and access statement said: “The proposal is for up to seven single storey light industrial/general industrial units with a proposed total gross internal area of 715 square metres/7697 square feet.

“The proposed site will have vehicular and servicing access from Barnfields Road and pedestrian access also. The site access is positioned North of the proposed new link road area as indicated in the outline planning permission illustrati­ve masterplan. The proposal is for 17 car parking spaces, with two accessible bays.

“There will be designated external refuse and cycle storage areas. The refuse area is sized to store two 1100l eurobins per industrial unit, one for general waste and one for re-cycling. The cycle storage area has capacity for secure storage of up to 20 bicycles.

“The site enclosure will consist of a two-metre high mesh fence with integrated vehicular and pedestrian access gates. The service yard/ car park areas will have a tarmac finish. “The proposed site fronts the Eastern edge of Barnfields Road and is located just North of the junction with Sunnyhills Road. The existing site access is from Barnfields Road and the light industrial units and outbuildin­gs on site are in a state of disrepair and are proposed to be demolished.”

A decision is expected by planners within the next 12 weeks.

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 ??  ?? An aerial view of the Barnfields Industrial estate taken in 2014. The Hughes Concrete site can be see on the left of the image and was still operating at that time.
An aerial view of the Barnfields Industrial estate taken in 2014. The Hughes Concrete site can be see on the left of the image and was still operating at that time.

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