Leek Post & Times

‘Generation could be most despised’


IN A BID to focus our attention on global warming, the young climate change activist Greta Thunberg recently used the phrase ‘I want you to panic.’

I am undecided as to whether she meant it literally or not, but it’s use was certainly successful in making a timely point.

In practice, though, panic is not a pretty sight; it is also useless, and of no practical help in any way.

Personally, I am generally unfamiliar with the state; I tend to go into more practical mode; e.g., what can be done to alleviate the situation?

I have lived my ‘three-score years and ten,’ and will probably not be here to witness the worst effects of the chaos which appears inevitable, unless drastic steps are taken now.

Any panic I had would be for my daughter and her family, and for everyone else’s sons, daughters, and families; indeed, for all the coming generation­s, who are probably living under one of the greatest threats of extinction since the planet was born.

Over-dramatised ‘scaremonge­ring?’ I think not.

You have only to look at the cold, scientific facts for evidence.

I surely don’t need to repeat them all again.

With the overwhelmi­ng evidence at hand, how can anyone possibly be in denial?

So what can the ordinary citizen, a lone voice among millions, do about the situation that confronts us? Support the ‘Extinction rebellion,’ movement?

They appear to be the only organised expression of many people’s concerns.

So long as they maintain their policy of ‘non-violent direct action,’ and are vigilant against the ever-present factions which seek to hijack such gatherings for their own (usually very different) agendas, then they have my blessing.

To be sure, any meaningful efforts to counteract, or minimise, global warming must come from the corridors of power around the world, but at least this organisati­on will, if nothing else, ensure that the agenda stays firmly in the foreground of our consciousn­ess. And that’s a start. A good start.

But let us make no mistake; if we (or, to be more specific, the powers-thatbe,) choose to ignore the message, our generation could well go down in history as the most reviled and despised generation of all time.

Why? Because we were the first generation to become aware of the most dangerous situation to confront mankind, and at the same time, probably the last one to be able to take steps to avert this same situation. David Vickers Name and address supplied

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