Leek Post & Times

‘PM turns ripples into shockwaves’


THE announceme­nt by Prime Minister Boris Johnson to suspend parliament has brought him into direct conflict with the oldest

political institutio­n in the world... the mother of Parliament­s.

At a stroke he has turned what were ‘ripples lapping against the Brexit beach,’ into ‘shockwaves.’

Those ‘ripples’ have been getting stronger with each day that has passed since a majority of the Tory party, (not the British electorate) voted him into Downing Street.

The ripples getting stronger as he prepared for this day using accusatory words like ‘collaborat­ors’ and ‘sabotage,’ suggesting ‘traitorous manoeuvrin­g’ against the Brexiteers.

So, I think it’s worthwhile on this historic Parliament­ary day to see how his opponents have reacted to this momentous decision. Let’s start with the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow: “A Constituti­onal Outrage.”

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon: “He’s acting like some kind of tin-pot dictator. If MPS don’t stop it, it’s not hyperbole to say that this is the day that any semblance of UK Parliament­ary Democracy absolutely dies.”

And from three politician­s on the Remain side: “He’s shutting down Parliament deliberate­ly to stop people’s democratic­ally elected representa­tive doing our job.”

“This is an attempt to govern without parliament and I think he will come to regret it.”

“As a child he wanted to be world king, well he’s making a damn good start.”

If I may add the following statement in support of the suspension from a Brexit MP, included this ‘oft heard phrase: “I’m very relaxed about what Boris Johnson needs to do to get Brexit through. That’s what the country wants, that’s what the country voted for.”

Describing the ‘leave vote’ as the ‘country’s vote’ is a deliberate lie.

And it’s this kind of false, irresponsi­ble claim that pours oil on the flames. Mick Penning Name and address supplied

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