Leek Post & Times

Freshen up on a budget

£10 AND UNDER Little touches can make all the difference – and you really don’t have to spend a lot to make a change, says SAM WYLIE-HARRIS £25 AND UNDER


Scented candles are one of life’s little luxuries, and we love Aldi’s classy new addition.

These playful cushions strike just the right balance of fun and style while the lip print screams designer without the hefty price tag. direct.asda

STYLING up your favourite space might take a little inspiratio­n and creative know-how - but it really doesn’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, once you’ve honed in on a few functional pieces, jazzy textiles and quirky decos, a swift update or quick-fix refresh can be much more playful and fun than blowing the budget on statement furnishing­s.

“Updating your home doesn’t have to be costly; in fact, there are plenty of simple updates that can be achieved on a budget,” says Claire Hornby, head of creative at Barker and Stonehouse (barkerands­onehouse.co.uk). “Whilst some might think you have to completely overhaul your home in order to give it a fresh lease of life, adding new pieces of furniture, or even accessorie­s, can inspire a whole new trend for your home.

“Wall art is a great way to inject a sense of personalit­y – by mixing and matching different prints, personal photos and mirrors you can not only bring a plain wall to life but also create the illusion of space with the use of mirrors,” adds Claire.

Another approach is to introduce some new soft furnishing­s, such as cushions or rugs. And if you’re looking to make a statement, a bold pattern or colour can go a long way.

Finally, for many of us, introducin­g elements of natural life into the home is of the utmost importance. As Claire points out: “Adorning your home with plants not only gives your room a lift but it also helps to improve your overall wellbeing.”

We trawled the shops for this season’s best bargain buys for a speedy home update...

We love this eye-catching geometric pattern, which is bang on trend for the new season. Sainsbury’s (in store from September 1)

Keep those summer vibes alive with this rustic shelf. Macramé is having a very fashionabl­e moment. These tactile textiles double up as works of art and are versatile enough to hang anywhere.

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