Leek Post & Times

Playgroup could lose parking if newsagents is demolished


A VACANT newsagents in a Staffordsh­ire Moorlands village looks set to be demolished as a plan for eight new homes looks set to get the goahead.

The empty shop, on High Lane in Brown Edge, will be knocked down to provide an access route to the new homes.

The properties, will be built on land currently used as parking for Keith’s a nearby supermarke­t - although the land not owned by the supermarke­t and developer Amacor Capital Ltd say Keith’s will be left with adequate parking spaces.

Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council now look set to approve the scheme after council planning officers recommende­d it be allowed to proceed.

A number of villagers had sent objections to the scheme - due to concerns about a lack of parking and barriers in front of the former newsagent being removed.

Hilary Jolley said she was concerned the developmen­t could lead to the whole car park being used for building - and said the potential building of houses on the site could ‘have devastatin­g consequenc­es on our village.’

In her objection, she said: “The former building directly fronts a zebra crossing on a main road. Any access onto high lane would be extremely dangerous at this point. It is a busy highway close to a bend and junction in the direction of Endon.

“I am very concerned about the possibilit­y of the remainder of the car park being at risk of withdrawal as mentioned.

“I feel that this applicatio­n could be the forerunner, if approved, to the whole car park being used for building. This could result in the loss of the village store and leave residents with no shop.”

Mary James and Jane Bailey, who own neighbouri­ng properties, raised concerns about the loss of the parking spaces.

In their objection, they added: “Whilst there is no obligation for the owners to allow it, the car park has always been used by the wider community. The community centre in Sandy Lane, which houses the playgroup daily and dance classes for most of the day on a Saturday, relies on the car park for the safe delivery and collection of young children and for staff parking.

“The centre also hosts many other community events which rely on this car park. The combinatio­n of loss of parking space and vehicle turning provision would be extremely hazardous and cause major disruption to Sandy Lane.”

In a report recommendi­ng the scheme be approved, council planning officers said: “The applicatio­n would see the loss of a building that was previously in use as a small newsagents premises. However, the larger Keith’s Supermarke­t adjacent to the site ensures that a similar community facility can be accessed within the immediate vicinity.”

Addressing concerns about parking at Keith’s, the report said: “Given its location within the centre of a larger village, much of its trade will be from customers visiting on foot.

“As such the need for parking would be less and the resultant capacity of 40 parking spaces is considered to be compatible for the scale and nature of the retail units it serves.”

Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council will make a decision on the applicatio­n at their Planning Committee tomorrw, September 19.

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