Leek Post & Times

Runners turn out in force to celebrate big birthday


IT WAS a great day to celebrate Brough Park Running Club’s fourth birthday, which not only had the usual five distances within the C25K but the annual birthday bash ‘Killer 10K’ or just one lap of that route which measured out at around 3.9K.

The attendance was boosted to an all-time record of 117 by 20 new entrants, in addition to a good handful making a return, of which 27 took part in the additional events; while half of the total chose the midstream distance of 2.2K.

Marcus Hulme headed the maximum distance 30 seconds ahead of Harry Bond (15) in 40.14.

Isaac Elkington, Martin Pigott and Rob Bond all reduced their comparable times to the last event by 144, 80 and 286 seconds with finish times of 44.09, 47.36 and 48.36.

Dan Knowles staved off the pursuit of Mac’ Harriers v50, Julian Brown by half-a-dozen seconds in 50.30, while James Lockett outpaced brother Paul by just over 70 seconds in a time of 52.20, with Neil Flavell finishing a score behind the former and Dan Frewer the same amount ahead of the latter and two minutes slower than his last, while Dave Hinton’s 54.49 was the last to dip under the hour mark.

John Lagan and Suzie Noble kept their regular runpartner­ship going for the most part, before the former found the strength to pull ahead over the last part of the distance before waiting after the final incline to run in together and record 1.02.03, an improvemen­t of a minute for the latter.

Wayne Pettitt finished almost six minutes ahead of wife Julie who completed her first ever event at this distance in 1.08.16.

There were ten seconds separating the inaugural finish times of Sandra Jeffery, Laura Towers and Russell Cartlidge from the former’s 1.07.16.

Among those taking on the new 3.9K challenge were nine-year-old Eden Pigott who completed this epic trek alongside run-pal, Emily Pettitt (11) in 20.12, while Keira Carney (12) was escorted by father, Jamie over almost double the distance she’s ever completed before and the longest time she’s ever run in a joint time of 47.25.

Sarah Garde and Dawn Brown thought it a good idea to add another string to their bow and finished in a commendabl­e 26.47 and 28.41, as Claire Williamson chose this one lap option which she completed in 23.51.

Heidi Carney and daughter, Izabella (5) dropped back to the 800m distance which they completed 90 seconds below their best in 11.09, while Ben Frost (13) was a score away from his six-weekold record in 4.08, with Sarah Phillips dropping down to this distance which she completed in 5.52.

Maddie Chandler (7) fronted the 1.5K distance in her first event with an 11.12 finish alongside Lola Errico (8) who was less than a handful away from her record.

Rebecca Hinton allowed daughter, Sophie (5) to go on ahead which resulted in a reduction of her last event best by a handful to 11.35, while she escorted Pippa Waddell (8) to a much slower 12.48.

Sienna Phillips, fresh from her Ipstones one mile win the previous weekend, was just nine seconds away from her fastest 2.2K in 9.18 and a minute ahead of Matthew Copeland who reduced his last event inaugural time by more than two score.

Sam Bourne (9) was a minute below his best, but drew along Laurie Hinton (8) to reduce his record by a good dozen as he finished two strides behind in 11.01, with Harry Durber covering the distance much slower than his best in 11.10..

Danniella Errico returned to the event and was initially hampered by her youngsters which resulted in a slower 11.48 finish, and just two strides ahead of Harry Arnold who reduced month-old previous time by well over two minutes.

Twelve-year-old Ella Tideswell reached the line over two score ahead of mother, Kyla in 12.50, with Aaron Walker (9), Alex Poulton and Arthur Campbell (10) slotting in between and all varying degrees away from their best, while Ava Campbell (8) was another 10 seconds adrift along with Reuben Cooper (12).

Max Clowes and Jade Preston lowered their inaugural joint time by over three minutes to 13.45, while Lisa Walker, Ella Barber (7) along with father, Daniel lowered their records to 13.56 in a joint 14.21.

Julie Bourne was just a handful away from her record in 15.15 and double that in arrears of Toby Poulton (11), while Jonathan Campbell reduced his last event best by over two score to 15.21, with wife, Helen and daughter, Lilia (12) slowing slightly to 17.34 and 17.52.

Leo Errico (7) finished alongside Charlie Beardmore (7) with the latter just 10 seconds from his best in 15.56; with Simeon Waters (6) sister, Eleanor (8) and father, Kevin crossing the line together four dozen behind, while Sarah Ash made a return after a seven event absence to record a slower 16.28 and 10 seconds behind Alastair Tapley who was three minutes quicker than his last but two away from his best.

The Brown/dunn family of Bailey (13) and Miley (8) showed Brooklyn (7) the way as they returned after two months absence to clock slower times around the 17 minute mark.

As usual Hannah Arnold completed the this distance with Lily (2) alongside Eva (5), and lowered their record by a score to 17.19, while Faith Hewerdine dropped back by three minutes and was a couple of strides behind.

Sarah Bailey and event partner Lynne Dempster lowered their last outing by a score to 18.51, while Heather Lyons and Sydney Moss (8) reached the line a minute ahead after a 12-event absence and over two minutes away from the youngster’s best time.

Ten-year-old Lucas Rowley was a minute away from his best in 18.32 as he led the 3.6K distance to the line, while Maria Arapi upped her event for the first time to record 22.20 which was a ton ahead of Max Tideswell (5) who was a good minute from his quickest.

Josh Webster (8) pulled father Nick along to record 22.48, which was a stride away from the youngster’s fastest while elder brother, Rian (9) dropped behind by a minute.

Cheadle RC athlete, Gareth Knapper reduced his last event 5K best by a good two dozen to 19.48, with v60 Steve Bourne following on three minutes later to knock a score off his record to 24.45.

Eleven-year-old Lacie Lloyd chopped her three-week-old best by three minutes to 25.42 and a minute ahead of Ryley Hulme (11) who was double that amount away from his two-month-old record.

Danielle Birch reduced her PB by fourscore to 27.24 and half-a-minute ahead of Steve Billing who was a dozen seconds away from his quickest.

Richard Dodd knocked almost three dozen from his previous time in 27.59, but is still two minutes away from his all-time high, as Richard Warrilow and partner Vivian Ross returned to clock four and 48 seconds quicker times than their last in 28.49 and 29.12.

Nicola Damjanovic once again completed the full distance but was unable to better her record of 29.28, but exactly matched her last outing 19 events ago with a time of 30.55.

V70 Bill Mould reduced last week’s time by a score to 31.19, as Ruth Houstonsmi­th was more than pleased to chop 150 seconds from her first outing time in 43.49.

Wendy Waddell covered this distance only once before in mid-january this year, but was unable to better that time with the finish of 45.03, and was followed 90 seconds later by Ben Geens (9) in his first full distance.

 ??  ?? Leek Town Mayor Sue Coleman and Bryan Vigrass present Toby Poulton and Sienna Phillips with their 50th and 100th event attendance trophies at Brough Park.
Leek Town Mayor Sue Coleman and Bryan Vigrass present Toby Poulton and Sienna Phillips with their 50th and 100th event attendance trophies at Brough Park.

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