Leek Post & Times

‘MP showed more courage in calling out PM’S advisor’


KAREN Bradley, MP for the Moorlands, has shown more courage than many of her fellow MPS in the Conservati­ve Party in urging Dominic Cummings ‘to consider his position.’

This whole episode throws into sharp relief the clash of opinions in decision-making bodies, a clash common in nations threatened by the coronaviru­s pandemic. Government­s need votes, or at least acceptance of their policies.

Scientists do not need votes and are moved by facts and probabilit­y. In this case not one has backed the government unreserved­ly.

The present policy, which might change, is the product of fluctuatio­ns and compromise.

Let us suppose that a premature relaxation of lockdown brings a second wave of the illness down on us - before we have recovered from the first.

What would be the effect of another lockdown? The dislocatio­n, especially for schoolchil­dren, would be much worse.

Several business people and right-wing journalist­s have been advocating a quick end to the lockdown, which they have described as ‘economic suicide.’

Workers returning to their jobs might indeed feel a great sense of relief.

But are all the jobs ‘lost’ necessary? Do we need mass foreign travel? A bookie’s shop, a nail bar and a tattooist in every street? So many fast food outlets?

We need medical staff, police officers, fruit pickers and computer experts, to name only four essential occupation­s. Most of all we need people with a social conscience.

We should be very careful about rushing out of lockdown and trying to re-establish ‘normal’ life.

Perhaps we should spend our timeout to think about necessary changes and shifts.

Reflection, rather than a disastrous attempt to restore a set-up which is now passing should rise to the top of the agenda. Margaret Brown Address supplied

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