Leek Post & Times

Thank you to kind people of county


AGE UK Staffordsh­ire would like to thank the generous people of Staffordsh­ire for supporting BBC One’s The Big Night In, which aired on April 23 and raised an incredible £27million.

A portion of this will go towards Age UK’S Emergency Coronaviru­s Appeal, some of which will be distribute­d to local Age UKS, including Age UK Staffordsh­ire to help support older people in our community during this unpreceden­ted health emergency.

For the first time ever and together with BBC One, BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief joined forces to present The Big Night In to support the people who are making a difference and to raise money to help those who really need it.

Urgent need for Age UK Staffordsh­ire’s vital services has shot up – including essential deliveries e.g. shopping, providing support in the home, practical advice and much needed companions­hip.

The local charity is calling on everybody who can to help them keep their vital services running so they can continue to provide practical support in Staffordsh­ire by donating to Age UK Staffordsh­ire at www.ageuk.org.uk/staffordsh­ire.

We are thrilled to have been part of this huge event and we are so grateful to everybody, especially the people of Staffordsh­ire, who came together to show their generous support on the night.

To be part of Comic Relief is a real honour, we are all facing a devastatin­g threat right now and it is older people who are among the most at risk.

Too many older vulnerable people are now completely alone and we desperatel­y need everybody’s support so we can be there for people in Staffordsh­ire who urgently need us.

We are so grateful for the support we have received.

All donations we’ve had so far as well as funds from The Big Night In will really help us to keep on providing comfort, hope and practical support, but there’s a lot more for us to do.

Please continue to support Age UK Staffordsh­ire so we can continue to run our essential frontline services in the coming weeks and months.

The money raised through The Big Night In supports charities and projects in the UK which are providing essential frontline help for people who really need it through this crisis, including vulnerable older people.

Funds will support Age UK’S network of more than 130 local Age UK charities across the country, including Age UK Staffordsh­ire, which are stretched to their limits providing support for the people living in their communitie­s.

Donations will also support Age UK’S national Informatio­n & Advice line and telephone friendship services that are needed more than ever to help tackle loneliness and offer crucial support at this time.

Visit www.ageuk.org.uk/

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