Leek Post & Times

Recycling rates hit 56% as council calls for ‘stay at home heroes’


RECYCLING rates in the Staffordsh­ire Moorlands have now reached more than 56 per cent.

This week is recycling week and to keep building on this result, Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council is asking people to be ‘stay at home heroes’ by recycling as much as they can of their waste from around the house.

Examples of items that can be recycled include:

▶ Shampoo and shower gel bottles, toilet roll middles and tissue boxes and bathroom aerosols which go in the grey bin

▶ Food waste – this goes in brown bins either loose or in compostabl­e bags with the EN13432 standard code and the seed logo

Councillor Sav Scalise, above, who has the responsibi­lity for the environmen­t at the council, said: “Thanks to the efforts of people across the Moorlands our recycling rates have reached 56.4 per cent. This is a great achievemen­t but we want to improve on it even more.

“We are all becoming increasing­ly aware of our impact on our environmen­t and we can all contribute in a positive way by recycling more of our household waste. Recycle Week is the ideal time to renew our commitment to doing so.

“But it’s important that we do it right – while many everyday items are recyclable we often find them in bluelidded bins. There’s a quick and easy guide to which items should go in which bins on our website so please take a look to see if you’re throwing away items which you could recycle and let’s get our rate up even higher!”

Items which can’t be recycled in the grey bin include nappies, crisp packets and chocolate wrappers, plastic bags and film, black plastic items and containers with food or drink still in them. These items will contaminat­e recycling loads and undo the good work of including items which can be accepted.

For more informatio­n go to www.staffsmoor­lands.gov.uk/ Binshelp

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