Leek Post & Times

Cricket club to get car park, with plans also in for eight new homes


EIGHT houses along with the formation of a car park to serve a Moorlands village cricket club have been proposed.

An outline planning applicatio­n has been submitted to Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council for the erection of up to eight dwellings along with the formation of a car park to serve Checkley Cricket Club on land adjacent to Fourtrees, Uttoxeter Road, Checkley.

A planning statement put forward with the applicatio­n by Jim Malkin of JMI Planning, said: “This submission is supported by an indicative layout which shows how eight units can be accommodat­ed on the site utilising a single access point. To the rear of the site the footprints shown are those of bungalows that will reduce the impact of the developmen­t from wider views. To the front of the site, semi-detached properties will be provided across two storeys.

“It is anticipate­d that the properties to the rear will be detached, with the smaller units to the front arranged as either a terrace or as semidetach­ed properties.

“Each dwelling will be provided with on-plot car parking and attractive landscapin­g.

“While design and scale are reserved for later approval it is anticipate­d that properties at the front of the site will be a maximum of two storeys with those to the rear being bungalows/dormer bungalows. It is anticipate­d that any future developmen­t would exhibit a traditiona­l design response and use of materials.

“Domestic curtilages will be provided to the rear of the properties and will provide a soft edge to the adjoining agricultur­al fields. The proposals will have no impact on any trees to the periphery of the site.

“The proposed parking will serve the cricket club, which is immediatel­y opposite the site, this will be gated and will only be utilised when games/ training is ongoing at the club and will be used as overspill parking.

“The frequency of use will therefore be relatively limited, and the car parking will not be used into the late evening.

“Therefore, the amenities of the occupiers of the new dwellings will be protected.

“Each property is provided with an appropriat­e level of parking provision, on plot, to meet the needs of the dwelling.”

A decision on the applicatio­n is expected within eight weeks.

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