Leek Post & Times

Traffic review across village


TRAFFIC movements are to be monitored in the village of Ipstones.

It comes after the parish council agreed to write to Staffordsh­ire County Council highways to review the weight, width and parking restrictio­n on the B5053 through the village.

The parish council has also received letters from several parishione­rs over the speed of lorries and abuse received from a driver of a large transport company when travelling through the village.

At the last meeting of Ipstones Parish Council, correspond­ence was received from county councillor for the area, Councillor Gill Heath.

Mrs Heath said that she had held a meeting with highways and they had agreed to undertake and collect the data of traffic movement.

This would be funded from Councillor Heath’s Divisional Highway Priority allowance.

It was agreed to discuss the matter further when the data had been collated.

Speaking at the last meeting of the parish council, chairman Linda Malyon, said that people were using the road as a short cut.

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