Leek Post & Times

‘Let’s get off our knees’ as town centre reopens

Mayor and town crier welcome back shoppers to Queen of the Moorlands

- By Les Jackson

SHOPPERS were welcomed back into Leek last week by the town mayor and the town crier.

Councillor Stephen Wales and Bill Lomas took to the streets last Wednesday to hail the return of shoppers following lockdown.

Councillor Wales said: “It’s great to see a busy town centre and all these families really enjoying these latest freedoms.

“I often see negative comments online ‘it’s all charity shops and tearooms’ so I am here to dispel that myth.

“With 45 per cent of the population of the Staffordsh­ire Moorlands living in our villages its important that they too come into our towns.

“Leek businesses have put their faith in you all as they gradually reopen their doors.

“Then there are our regular outdoor markets and of course the hugely popular monthly Sunday Supplement which will reappear this summer.

“So - love where you live. Let’s get behind Leek and stay local - and fully explore the fantastic retail scene right on our doorstep.

“Here’s to a great summer of recovery.”

Town crier, Bill Lomas, said it was a brilliant day and that the town was very busy.

During his ‘cry’ to shoppers Mr Lomas, said: “All good citizens of this great town of Leek, I proclaim the good news, our town is open for business.

“Our shops are open, our pubs are open, our schools are open and much more.

“From this time, after over a year struggling to control and beat a virus so deadly it has taken the lives of so many, including many in the Staffordsh­ire Moorlands, we now stand together as a community to begin our community life and push back into the normality that we have missed for so long.

“Let us not forget some of the characters of Leek, taken from us, not by the virus but from natural causes.

“We now look forward to the surge of enthusiast­ic participat­ion of all members of this town.

“For our town not only to survive but to grow back to being the best town.

“The most important people here are the townsfolk that will be the cause of a resurgence of community spirit.

“Our small businesses have taken the brunt of the lockdowns but have just managed to survive so let’s get back up off our knees and join together for a new beginning, full of vitality and effort. Times have been financiall­y hard with many people being made redundant.

“Thanks to groups like Survive Together and the Haregate Community centre.

“A great bunch of selfless people who have and are serving the people of this town well. But please don’t forget that it’s not over yet, please keep your masks on in busy places and shops. Keep your distance and keep washing your hands frequently.

“Remember the thousands that have died from Covid-19.

“The markets are back and open, the Sunday supplement market will be back. It’s time to say hello to all those that we haven’t seen for so long, not with a hug but an elbow.

“I say three cheers for ourselves and others for surviving this terrible time.”

 ??  ?? Leek town mayor Councillor Stephen Wales and town crier Bill Lomas.
Leek town mayor Councillor Stephen Wales and town crier Bill Lomas.

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