Leek Post & Times

Go-ahead for plans to turn historic pub into houses

Objectors rue the loss of community facility

- By Les Jackson leslie.jackson@reachplc.com

A GRADE II listed pub is set to be converted into three homes – despite concerns over car parking and the loss of a community facility.

Councillor­s voted to approve the conversion of The Swan Inn in Town End, Cheadle into three units at a meeting of Staffordsh­ire Moorlands District Council’s planning applicatio­ns committee last week.

The applicatio­n came before the committee after councillor Ian Plant requested it be ‘called-in.’

The grounds for the call-in was that there was no provision of any off-street parking and a lack of car parking in and around the area of the applicatio­n.

A report to councillor­s by case officer, Ailsa Berry, said: “The scheme has been revised during the course of the applicatio­n due to concerns raised by the planning officer in respect of the developmen­t’s impact on the amenity of future occupiers.

“The number of units has therefore been reduced from four to three.

“The fourth unit was to be contained within the existing single storey modern toilet block, but it is now proposed to demolish this building and in its place, create individual yards for each of the dwellings with private access to the gardens beyond, as well as a bin storage area for all three units.”

Cheadle Town Council raised strong objections to the applicatio­n on the grounds that the town would be losing another community building, along with over developmen­t and the impact on the local community.

Fourteen comments were received in respect of the applicatio­n.

One comment stated that in principle, the developmen­t would be a good use of the property, but raised concerns regarding the parking of occupier’s vehicles.

The remainder of the comments objected to the proposed developmen­t and raised concerns including highways, as the parking of residents’

My heart says preserve it. However, if it was viable it would be thriving

Councillor Stephen Ellis

cars has not been satisfacto­rily addressed.

Objectors also raised concerns over:

The loss of public house. Some objectors felt it could be used by locals as a meeting hall/community hub.

Whether there was a need for more housing in Cheadle with all the developmen­ts currently being built?

Lack of amenities such as doctors and schools.

Presenting the applicatio­n to the planning committee, operationa­l manager Ben Haywood, said: “The pub has closed and there is no off street parking.

“Plans are to subdivide the building, which is Grade II listed, into three houses. It is in the settlement of Cheadle and there are a range of facilities nearby.

“There are concerns over the lack of parking, but there are no objections from highways as the pub use could have had greater parking.

“Agencies have the power to deal with dangerous parking. We recommende­d approval.” Speaking to the committee, Cheadle councillor Gary Bentley said: “I have been contacted by people in the area who are concerned over the demolition part.

“There would be lorries and skips on the road. This is a traditiona­l pub.”

The applicant’s agent, Jim Malkin, said: “It does mean the loss of a public house, but covid has changed public houses. There are other pubs in walking distance. It is close to the town centre.”

Planning committee member Councillor Peter Wilkinson, said: “This is a loss of a community facility.

“There are no other facilities similar to this as it is a community pub with games like darts and crib.

“We need a market appraisal as a pub instead of saying it is a developmen­t opportunit­y. It goes against policy.”

Chairman of the planning committee and Cheadle councillor, Stephen Ellis, said: “My heart says preserve it. However, if it was viable it would be thriving.

“It is in a part of Cheadle which has no parking provision. The issue is at night time. Will three houses cause more problems than people going to the pub? No it will not.”

Councillor­s voted by seven to five with one abstention in favour of approval.

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