Leicester Mercury

‘Jeweller savagely attacked when store raiders saw their plan had failed’

- By CIARAN FAGAN ciaran.fagan@reachplc.com @ciaranefag­an

JEWELLER Ramniklal Jogiya was savagely beaten when his abductors realised their plan to raid his shop had failed, the murder trial’s jury has been told.

One of the defendants, Charles Mcauley, told a jury at Birmingham Crown Court yesterday that his coaccused Javon Roach inflicted the injuries which led to the 74-year-old Belgrave businessma­n’s death.

Mcauley, who has admitted kidnapping and robbing Mr Jogiya but denies playing any role in his death, said Roach became angry when it became clear their plan to empty Mr Jogiya’s safe had ended in failure.

Mr Jogiya was forced into a van driven by Mcauley as he locked his Belgrave Road shop and set out to make the short journey home at 7.45pm on Wednesday, January 24.

The Crown say he was “tortured” until he gave his attackers the keys to his shop, Vama Collection­s, and the security codes to its alarm system and the safe.

The prosecutio­n says Thomas Jervis, disguised in a burka and pulling a shopping trolley, let himself into the empty shop but was unable to open the safe.

Mr Jogiya’s body was found caked in mud in the entrance to a field in Gaulby Lane, Stoughton, the next morning.

Mcauley told Birmingham Crown Court he drove a stolen Ford transit van to Brandon Street on the day of Mr Jogiya’s abduction and death.

He said his co-defendants Jervis and Roach were in the back of the van.

Mcauley would not name another man in the van out of fear of what he called “repercussi­ons”.

He also said the fourth defendant, Callan Reeve, was not in the van.

Instead, Reeve had travelled to Belgrave Road in a stolen Ford Fiesta in his role of keeping watch on the shop.

Mcauley told the court that when Mr Jogiya came out of his shop and approached the van, Roach and the unnamed man name got out and took hold of Mr Jogiya and put him into the van. Mcauley then drove off.

He said he drove to Wanlip, near Birstall, where the men in the back of the van told him they had “everything they needed”.

They handed him Mr Jogiya’s phone and told him to throw it out of the window.

He was then instructed to drive back toward the city, where he said he and Jervis got into a second stolen Ford Fiesta and headed back to the shop.

Mcauley said Jervis put on the burka and took a shopping trolley from the back of the car.

When access to the safe could not be gained, Mcauley said he called the men in the van to tell them the plan had not succeeded.

He said: “Everyone was unsure what to do because the plan was bust now really. I told them to let Mr Jogiya go and that the plan was up.

“At first they said ‘okay.’ Then they said they would not let Mr Jogiya go until they had been to the shop to make sure the plan was bust.”

Mcauley says he, Jervis and Reeve dumped the clothes they had been wearing and that he knew nothing about the van’s later movements.

The next morning, Mcauley told the court, he got up with the intention of meeting with Jervis and Reeve to dispose of evidence such as the burka, the shopping trolley and the vehicles.

He said he did not know Mr Jogiya was dead at this stage; the victim’s body had been discovered in Gaulby Lane, Stoughton.

Mcauley told the court: “I went to see one of the occupants of the van and asked exactly what happened.

“He said they were holding Mr Jogiya and just driving around and that after I had explained that the job was up he said one of the occupants of the van became angry and started hitting Mr Jogiya.

“He also said ‘he had poked him.’ He said it was Roach.

“I asked what he had meant by poking and he said he (Roach) had used a centre punch to poke Mr Jogiya. It was because he was angry because we didn’t get anything.”

Mcauley says he and Reeve and Jervis decided to take the van to Aylestone Meadows to burn it out.

John Ryder QC, who represents Roach, challenged Mcauley’s assertion he was not aware of what was happening to Mr Jogiya in the back of the van after the abduction.

Mcauley said he was concentrat­ing on driving and had the radio on.

Mr Ryder said: “What you are seeking to do is avoid responsibi­lity for the injuries and the death.”

“I had no part in it. I did not do it, simple as that,” Mcauley replied.

Jervis, (24), of Enderby Road, Whetstone, Reeve (20), of Biddle Road, New Parks, Leicester, and Mcauley, (20), of Gooding Avenue, Braunstone, Leicester, have previously pleaded guilty to kidnapping and robbing Mr Jogiya, but deny murder and manslaught­er.

Roach, (30), of Norwich Road, Beaumont Leys, Leicester, denies robbery, kidnap, murder and manslaught­er.

■ The trial continues

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