Leicester Mercury

Armed forces ensure our right to protest


I WRITE in response to a letter by Marguerite Sansome regarding the armed forces recruiting in the city centre on Humberston­e Gate (“Army should not be allowed to recruit here”, Mailbox, July 12.)

She waxed lyrical about the evils of war etc and further went on to question why the local authoritie­s allow recruitmen­t in such a way. She also stated she and others demonstrat­ed silently against the young people being encouraged to see what the armed forces are all about. She also went on to inform us she had been “bombed out in WWII”.

I can assure you this country needs its armed forces, if at the time of you being bombed out young people had not been recruited, on Humberston­e Gate I might add, you would be speaking German if you had not ended up in an oven or worked to death in a camp.

During these modern times, there are groups who are as evil with a global agenda our armed forces (and police) are protecting YOU and the Quakers from. Their horrors are truly beyond the pale.

You should be ashamed of yourself writing such a letter when others are giving their lives, limbs and youth that you may be safe.

If any members of the armed forces, past or present read your letter I would like to say we are very proud of you and thank you that we can sleep easy in our beds, free from tyranny and harm whilst you cannot.

Thank you for guarding our door and I am sure Ms Sansome and the Quakers would like to thank you that you enable them to have the freedom to protest against you, somewhat discombobu­lated as the thanks may be!

Derek C Goodwin, Rushey Mead

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