Leicester Mercury




A MAN approached armed police officers brandishin­g a weapon he had just pistolwhip­ped his ex-partner with, hoping they would shoot him.

Robert Mitchell, 53, had stalked his partner of 30 years after he refused to accept the end of their relationsh­ip.

He had made threats to shoot her and neighbours who tried to intervene before police were called.

AN out-of-control man pistol-whipped his ex-partner with the butt of an air gun before turning the weapon on armed police officers, hoping they would shoot him dead.

Leicester Crown Court was told that depressed Robert Mitchell planned for the marksmen to end his life – but they bravely disarmed him instead.

The father-of-two had become “obsessed” with his former partner and was unable to accept their 30-year relationsh­ip was over.

Mitchell stalked her for almost 18 months, starting in May 2015, culminatin­g in the assault on her with an air gun amid threats to shoot her – and neighbours who tried to help.

Samuel Skinner, prosecutin­g, said that on the morning of December 5 last year, Mitchell smashed his way into the victim’s car, after lying in wait outside her home in Ravenstone.

He was armed with a loaded air pistol that was “indistingu­ishable” from a genuinely lethal firearm.

Mr Skinner said: “It was 7am and the complainan­t noticed the defendant walking behind the car.

“She’d already locked the doors due to his previous stalking. He smashed a side window to gain entry and told her ‘I’m going to shoot you.’

“There was a struggle and he hit her on the head with the butt of the handgun four or five times, causing several cuts.

“The top of her head was covered in blood. She was shouting ‘leave me alone’ and leaned on the car horn to attract attention.”

When two neighbours approached, 53-year-old Mitchell turned and pointed the gun straight at them saying: “Go away or I will shoot you.”

They backed away and rang 999. When armed officers arrived, Mitchell pointed his gun at them and walked towards the police, still brandishin­g the gun, ignoring orders to stop and put the weapon down.

Mr Skinner said: “The defendant then went and grabbed his ex-partner by her hair, as if taking her hostage and got into her car.”

However, other officers moved in from behind and detained him.

Mitchell’s weapon was a carbon dioxide-powered air pistol loaded with pellets, with the safety catch on.

Mr Skinner said: “It was so realistic as to make it indistingu­ishable from the real thing.”

He told the police he had planned to commit suicide.

Mitchell, of Butterwick Drive, Beaumont Leys, Leicester, was jailed for two year and eight months after pleading guilty to stalking his ex-partner.

He also admitted possessing an imitation firearm, with intent to cause fear of violence, causing actual bodily harm, and possessing amphetamin­e.

Judge Nicholas Dean QC said but for Mitchell’s poor mental health at the time the sentence would have been considerab­ly longer.

He said: “The assault was nasty; you beat her with the butt of the gun causing cuts to her scalp. Your actions were of a man affected by mental illness, who was depressed and genuinely wanted to be killed by the officers, who were there primarily to protect your ex-partner. She must have been utterly terrified.

“The firearm was realistic and loaded. It was imitation but no-one at the scene would have known that. The officers displayed a high degree of courage by disarming you in the way they did.

“The amphetamin­e you’d taken was a factor as to the way you behaved and no doubt contribute­d to your depression. It’s plain that over a long time you’ve been a good man and there are other sides of your character, not reflected by your conduct in December.”

Claire Howell, mitigating, said: “When arrested he was full of remorse and cried throughout his police interview, saying he wanted to end his own life.”

Miss Howell said despite attempting to kill himself before the incident that led to his arrest, he was never referred for much-needed mental health treatment – but has since received help and had responded well to it.

She added: “He’s a different person now, more like the person the references speak so well of.”

Mitchell was made the subject of a restrainin­g order which included a ban on having any contact with his ex-partner.

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