Leicester Mercury

It’s worth pronouncin­g a name that will live on



You helped build a good football team which grew.

You gave them a belief in what they could achieve and inspired them to become a close-knit “family”.

This team became, unbelievab­ly, against all odds, the champions.

You helped bring this well-known city of multiple faiths closer together.

You brought to Leicester people from all over Britain.

You indeed attracted attention here from the wider world.

You were humble, generous, respectful and inspiratio­nal and you showed how important these qualities can be.

You gave the position you held in sport a new respect.

The result of your few years with us made Leicester the centre of everything that is good. You changed the front pages.

We thank you and with your son, Top, we know that your vision will live on and he will not be without great support.

You reminded us that respect, belief in a goal, generosity of spirit, care for old, young, large organisati­ons and small are all worth encouragin­g.

Only in future years, I suspect, will we really understand just how great were your achievemen­ts.

The world of sport and the great city of Leicester thank you.

And at the lower level, thank you for teaching the media a name can be pronounced if it is worth pronouncin­g! SRIVADDHAN­APRABHA.

Mike Ross, Wigston

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