Leicester Mercury

I fear for future under our no-scruples PM


I FULLY agree with the sentiments of your correspond­ent Phil Harvey (“‘It wasn’t supposed to end this way for us”, Mailbox, December 17).

Our Tory Prime Minister is a habitual twister of facts and the following specific examples prove his point.

During the 2016 Referendum, he was travelling in a hired bus with the distinct false message that after leaving the EU, we would save £350 million a week which could be used to fund our NHS.

During the general election this year, he carefully avoided serious scrutiny by avoiding being interviewe­d by the likes of Andrew Neal.

Also, during the 2019 general election, he could not remember the exact number of children he has fathered.

When he was mayor of London, he befriended an American business woman, called Jennifer Arcuri.

While this friendship lasted, among other things, she (or her businesses) benefited from a £26,000 grant from the City of London and then £126,000 from the Tory Government.

During the general election he often mentioned that his main task was to complete Brexit by January 31, 2020. Almost everybody knows that this cannot be done.

The Brexit process has three stages. The first stage may be possible to complete by January 31 2020. Stage two does not begin until 2021.

Again, to do with Brexit, he has always claimed that there will be no extra border checks for the trade between UK and Eire.

The DUP representa­tives from Northern Ireland have been on record that his statement is not completely correct, as things stand at the moment.

Since winning the election, he has been heard to want to take commercial action against our BBC. This is neither fair nor justified.

Also, in August 2019, he described Muslim women who wore burkas as looking like letter boxes.

Finally, as our Foreign Secretary, he misspoke to such a degree that our UK citizen, Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, was arrested and sentenced to a six-year prison sentence, while visiting her parents in Iran. Not a word of apology from Mr Johnson has been received so far!

What were his lies? He falsely claimed that Nazanin was training Iranian citizens into journalism. To date, he has not apologised to anybody.

This man has no scruples for telling lies or half-truths. I therefore worry about our future.

Suresh Chauhan, Glen Parva

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