Leicester Mercury


Channel 4, 8pm


IT’S another instalment of the parenting contest that will either make you feel brilliant or a terrible failure. Either way, you may want to lob the remote at some of these people.

Creative home educator Ben complains about other parents who “can’t wait to ship their kids off to school, then get a babysitter and go out all the time.”

You’re not endearing yourself to most of the population Ben.

Can he and wife Becky sell their home learning style? “Instead of trying to make learning fun, we just have fun and find the learning in it,” says Becky.

Their competitor­s in this heat, hosted by Anita Rani, are Richard and Emily whose style is regimented and Andi and Jon who go for “structured chaos”.

No mention thus far of just general chaos... Anyone?

Watch and learn, people. Or else just watch in horror as these parents battle it out for the ultimate smug parenting prize.

 ?? ?? Anita Rani with Richard and Emily and, inset left, Ben and Becky and Andi and John
Anita Rani with Richard and Emily and, inset left, Ben and Becky and Andi and John

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