Leicester Mercury

My relationsh­ip with my fridge is intense. I want to stop eating as much! DJ and TV presenter Edith Bowman speaks to about finding the perfect balance at home



AS A PRESENTER, podcast host and mum-of-two, life for Edith Bowman hasn’t slowed down during lockdown. Recently, Edith, 46, moved from London to the Cotswolds with her husband Tom Smith, who is frontman of rock band Editors, and their sons Rudy and Spike.

Since relocating to the countrysid­e, city-dweller Edith says she’s fully embraced a new way of life, and is finding ways to stay fit in her achingly beautiful new surroundin­gs – all while juggling homeschool­ing and a hectic work schedule.

Here, she shares her health, fitness and wellbeing goals...

What are your favourite ways to keep fit and healthy?

AS I’ve got older, I’ve definitely gone through different phases of things that I’m into – but it’s only recently that I’ve really come to appreciate the benefits of exercise. For me, it’s not just physical – it’s a mental thing too.

Usually, I try to go for a run three times a week, as I know that exercising does me the world of good. We moved out of London just before Christmas and I’m now in the countrysid­e, which is incredible.

Before lockdown, I’d found a really nice local lady that I was going to do Pilates with once a week, and a friend was organising a yoga gathering around her house. But because of the homeschool­ing and working from home, it’s much harder to find moments that are just for you.

Do you find it hard to fit in exercise as a mum?

I CAN’T motivate myself to be honest! I would say I’ve done maybe three yoga videos over the whole of lockdown.

I love Yoga With Adriene. I find I have to do exercise in the morning, because it sorts me out for the day, so my plan was to get up and do one of her videos every day.

At the moment though, I just can’t find the motivation to do it, and I think it’s because I’m in my home environmen­t, where there are always other things to do. Whether it’s washing, ironing or painting; exercise just falls down the list of priorities.

That said, I went for a wild swim with friends a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing.

When the kids go back to school, that’s the thing that I’m going to try to do a few times a week, because I immediatel­y felt the benefits.

I think it’s all about listening to your mind and body.

Describe your ideal Saturday?

I ABSOLUTELY love weekends, because the homeschool­ing schedule is out of the window. We tend to have a late lie-in and watch the telly in bed.

We’ll get up, make pancakes and bacon for breakfast, and then go on a bike ride. We’ve got this little routine on a Saturday where we cycle to a little shop in the village and pick up a fresh sourdough loaf, eggs and milk.

In an ideal world, we’d then have friends over – but obviously that’s not happening at the minute, so we’ve been watching a lot of films.

Tom and I are still not sick of the sight of each other, thankfully, and we’re making the most of having loads of outside space.

I can’t wait for the day we can have people round for a big BBQ with the music cranked up, the kids running around and the adults dancing their pants off.

Do you use any mindfulnes­s techniques?

I DON’T follow any strict meditative rules as such, but I have some apps that I go to when I need it.

I recently voiced a walking meditation podcast called Mind To Walk (pathsforal­l.org.uk). The idea is that you listen to a meditation while you’re walking, so you can really engage with what’s going on around you.

Unfortunat­ely, I can’t listen to my own voice – so I really need someone else to voice it.

I’ve also got an Apple Watch that will vibrate and I’ll think ‘Oh! Who’s that?’, and then it’ll remind me to breathe.

I find it really funny that I have this piece of technology on my arm reminding me to breathe. Slowing down, taking a breath and exhaling does really help, though.

Do you have any health and fitness goals you want to achieve for the rest of the year?

I JUST want to stop eating as much! My relationsh­ip with my fridge is now so intense.

“In terms of fitness, there’s a place called the Cotswold Water Park that’s basically lakes where you can do lots of watersport­s. So, I want to start paddleboar­ding.

I need something to help me with this extra midriff area that I seem to have acquired during lockdown.

It’s just about trying to get back to where I was, and finding things that will help me to feel good about myself, physically and mentally.

■ The ultimate Disney quiz The Happiest Quiz on Earth, presented by Edith Bowman, takes place live every Thursday at 7pm on the Disney UK Facebook page. To do your prep for the quiz, go to disneymagi­cmoments.co.uk

 ??  ?? Life hasn’t slowed down in lockdown for Edith Bowman – but she can’t wait for it to end so she can have a huge noisy barbecue with family and friends
Life hasn’t slowed down in lockdown for Edith Bowman – but she can’t wait for it to end so she can have a huge noisy barbecue with family and friends

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