Leicester Mercury



- By SUZY GIBSON suzanne.gibson@reachplc.com @GibsonSuzy leicesterm­ercury.co.uk

A TERRIFIED shop assistant feared she was going to be shot when a masked robber pointed a shotgun in her face.

Michael Charlton, left, carried out the raid at Mercer News, in Welford Road, Wigston, on March 1 last year.

The 42-year-old fled with £180 in cash. The brave assistant was able to note the registrati­on of his getaway car.

Charlton has now been jailed for eight years.

AN ARMED robber pointed a gun at the face of a shop assistant before making off with cash.

The terrified woman, in her 20s, feared she was going to be shot as the raider in a hood and balaclava, demanded she opened the till at Mercer News, in Welford Road, Wigston, on March 1 last year.

Leicester Crown Court was told 42-year-old Michael Charlton had driven from Bournemout­h to Leicester in a stolen 4x4 Kia Sportage.

He waited outside the newsagents before arming himself with what appeared to be a sawn-off shotgun inside a clear plastic bag, said Claire Fraser, prosecutin­g.

She said the owner of the family-run business was in a back room at 11am as the cashier, a relative, was on duty behind the counter.

The victim looked up to see the defendant in a grey top with the hood up and a black balaclava covering his face.

“He was holding a gun, pointing at her and she was able to see it through the plastic,” Ms Fraser said.

“It was about 60 centimetre­s long, from the barrel to the part against his shoulder, like a sawn-off.

“He was very aggressive and pointing the gun towards her face. She screamed and moved away, cowering away from the gun.”

Having opened the till she “froze” in fear as the defendant placed the weapon on the counter to scoop up money with both hands.

The cashier then bravely tried to grab his hands saying, “What are you doing?” Charlton did not respond and she backed away until he fled with £180 and a winning lottery slip.

The victim ran to the door, saw him get into a black vehicle and noted the number plate.

The shop owner – on hearing a scream and the buzzer activated – attempted to chase after the raider in his own car, but lost him.

Charlton, who has numerous previous conviction­s for house burglary, was detained the following day in Yorkshire, following a collision with a police car. His DNA was found in the till drawer at the robbery scene, said Ms Fraser.

Charlton, formerly of Avon Road, Bournemout­h, pleaded guilty to robbery and possessing an imitation firearm – which was not recovered.

The victim suffered severe psychologi­cal effects, including panic attacks and was prescribed medication for depression.

In an impact statement she described fearing what the gunman would do, especially when he held the gun right up to her face.

CCTV footage of the robbery was shown in court.

The shop owner has since taken on extra staff and installed additional security, the court was told.

Nicholas Robinson, mitigating, said Charlton had suffered neglect, abuse and violence during his childhood and adolescenc­e and had turned to drugs to escape the emotional pain of his


He said the defendant did not drive to Leicester to specifical­ly target the shop in Wigston, but was motivated to commit the robbery for drugs. Sentencing, Recorder Francesca Levett said: “You armed yourself with an imitation firearm and went into this shop wearing a balaclava and yelled at her to open the till. “She was terrified, thinking you had a sawn-off shotgun and feared you would use it.

“She was left feeling vulnerable, shaken and scared and is still suffering from anxiety.

“You have no thought for the impact of your offending on the lives of others.”

“You targeted a family-run business in the middle of the morning when members of the public were likely to be about.

“I think you anticipate­d getting away with considerab­ly more money than you did, but what you took represente­d the takings of a small business.” Charlton was jailed for eight years and told he could expect to serve two thirds of the sentence. Charlton was placed on an indefinite restrainin­g order banning him from contacting the victim or going to Wigston.

She was terrified, thinking you had a sawn-off shotgun and you would use it

Recorder Francesca Levett

 ??  ?? MENACING: Michael Charlton, wearing a balaclava and hood, points a shotgun which turned out to be an imitation – at the worker in Mercer News
MENACING: Michael Charlton, wearing a balaclava and hood, points a shotgun which turned out to be an imitation – at the worker in Mercer News
 ??  ??

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