Leicester Mercury

Year group students are told to self-isolate


A SECONDARY school has said one of its pupils has tested positive for coronaviru­s and, as a result, all other students in the year group, aged 14 to 15, have been told to self-isolate until October 21.

A student in Year 11 at Lutterwort­h College has tested positive for Covid

19. Some students may be able to return sooner once close contacts of the pupil have been establishe­d.

In a letter to parents, head teacher Nick Summers said: “We have been made aware of a member our school community in Year 11 at Lutterwort­h College who has tested positive for


“We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health England.

“Please be reassured that for most people, coronaviru­s will be a mild illness. Parents and carers of children in Year 11 have received a letter informing them that their child must stay at home until Wednesday, 21st October in the first instance whilst we work through the direct contacts of the confirmed case.

“The school remains open and all other children should continue to attend as normal if they remain well.

“We will continue to enforce our preventati­ve measures and manage the safety and wellbeing of our students in the best possible way.”

More than 360 coronaviru­s cases have now been reported in schools across schools in Leicester and Leicesters­hire.

Leicester City Council has revealed 135 children and 71 teachers and other staff have been infected and have had to self-isolate.

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