Leicester Mercury

Man denies role in burglary plot at Vichai home


- By DAVID OWEN david.owen@reachplc.com

A MAN accused of being part of a burglary plot which targeted the home of Leicester City’s late owner Vichai Srivaddhan­aprabha and other high profile figures has told a court he did not believe he was getting himself involved in something illegal.

Alexandru Stan admitted meeting two “total strangers” who are suspected of carrying out one of the raids.

The burglars had bagged a haul worth millions during a two-week crime spree last year targeting luxury West London properties, including a home that had belonged to Khun Vichai.

On December 10 last year, they stole more than £1 million in property, including Patek Philippe watches and about 400,000 euros (£360,000) in cash.

The 49-year-old defendant was giving evidence in the dock of Isleworth Crown Court.

He said he had met two men who were later also accused of burgling the home of Chelsea FC manager Frank Lampard – the first of three linked raids.

However, he claimed he only did so after being contacted by a long-term friend on behalf of the two alleged burglars so he could help them buy a car to find work.

Stan, his friend and the two men went for dinner at which it was agreed he would help them change 1,500 euros to sterling and would send them pictures of any cars he found to buy, in exchange for a “tip” of between £100 and £200.

Prosecutor­s said the men Stan met later raided the Lampards’ home, before meeting up with Stan at his home in Harrow, north-west London, to change clothes after becoming bloodied as they made a hurried exit.

Stan, a hotel concierge originally from Romania, who was earning less than £10 an hour, told the court he was pleased to help his long-time friend and make some money on the side.

He said: “It was the first time in 30 years he (the friend) asked me for help. “I was happy, for once, he needed me.”

His defence counsel, David Jeremy QC, asked: “Did you think you were getting involved in something illegal or illicit?”

Stan, a father-of-three who moved to England in 2019 to fulfil a dream of getting a university degree, replied: “No.”

Prosecutor­s say Stan – and codefendan­ts Maria Mester, 47, Sorin Marcovici, 53, and Emil Bogdan Savastru, 30 – were members of a “supporting cast” to the alleged burglars, when cash, jewellery and property worth £26 million was stolen in the largest domestic burglary plot ever seen in the UK.

Victims also included socialite Tamara Ecclestone.

The alleged burglars cannot be named for legal reasons.

Stan and his co-accused are said to have arranged transport, accommodat­ion and other assistance at various times, before helping launder the proceeds, following the raids during a two week period in December last year.

The defendants deny all charges. The trial continues.

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 ?? GETTY/PA ?? TARGETED: London homes belonging to Khun Vichai, Frank Lampard and Tamara Ecclestone were burgled
GETTY/PA TARGETED: London homes belonging to Khun Vichai, Frank Lampard and Tamara Ecclestone were burgled

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